Virus {Part 3}

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"Let's go."

Aphmau and Aaron run back into the building while Aaron's dad yells for them to come back. But it was too late, they were already inside.

"So, what's the plan?" Aphmau asked Aaron as they stopped and looked around.

"We get as much people as we can out, and avoid being bitten," Aaron answers.

"Alright. Then how do we avoid that?"

"You know how to shoot, right?"


"Then do it."

Aaron runs after some survivors that were being cornered by some walkers. He shot through them and guided them to the exit.

Meanwhile, Aphmau went off and looked for anyone who needed help. On her way, she ran by some people who were scurrying for an exit, and Aphmau guided them to the door.

She then ran more towards the back of the building, the building was empty; for the most part (besides all the dead people walking around) and once she gets all the way to the back, she finds some familiar faces.

"Garroth?! Laurance! What are you doing back here?!" She yells to them.

"Trying to get out! But as you can see; we are kinda trapped!" Garroth responds, shooting some walkers that were coming towards them.

"Hold on!" Aphmau makes her way to them, careful not to attract any unwanted attention. Once she gets to them, they run out, and before they get to an exit, Aphmau stops.

"Aphmau! What are you doing?" Laurance notices she stopped, "Everyone we could save is out! We need to leave!"

Aphmau looks ahead, outside, and didn't see Aaron.

She then looked back towards Laurance, "Aaron is still in here! I have to find him!" She turns and runs, with Laurance and Garroth yelling for her. But she ignores them.

She goes around and dodges everything she can with out too much noise. She searches almost every room and finds nothing.

"Where the hell is he?" She slows down to take one last look around the place. A lump forms in the back of her throat and her stomach cramps. Could she really have lost him?

She feels her body physically give up, but mentally she was still there, and she knew she had to leave. She turns around, but doesn't immediately see the exit; it was blocked by bodies. Walking bodies.

She jumps back and panics as she pulls out her gun and aims it towards their heads. She pulls the trigger, but there is no recoil or loud shot. Just a small click.

"Shit! Are you fucking kidding me!? Not again!" She shakes her gun and pulls out the magazine. No bullets left. She curses again and looks for anything that will get her out of the situation.

A glint of light shines from one of the walkers coming at her, she looks down at it and sees a dagger hanging from its side. Many scenarios play in her head of how she can get it off the walker; but some of the ones she imagines don't end well.

She was running out of time, so she acted quickly; she held the pistol she had in its mouth, to prevent it from biting her, and she quickly grabbed the dagger. Once she got it, she pulled the pistol out of its mouth and stabbed it in the head. She turned and killed the others too.

She hunched over, catching her breath, and dropped her weapons.

"Damn, I never thought you could fight like that," Aphmau's eyes widened and she turned around, "I was going to interviene, but then you did... Whatever you did and it looked like you had it under control."

Without a word, she ran up and hugged him, "Where were you?! I looked everywhere and I could find you!"

"Well, I was getting everyone I could out... And I had to go get her," Aaron stepped to the side to reveal Celestia, who has wagging her tail and started barking.

"Oh my Irene! Celestia!" Aphmau kneeled down and petting her and she jumped up in Aphmau's lap and started licking her face, "Oh, I'm so sorry momma left you! It will never happen again, I promise!" She continued to pet her.

"Aphmau," Aaron said, and Aphmau looked up at him. He was staring off down a narrow hallway, Aphmau followed his gaze and saw many bright eyes slowly walking towards them, "We need to go."

Aphmau nodded and they made their way to the exit.

Once they were out they were greeted by a whole crowd of people, injured and possibly dead.

"Aaron Lycan!" They heard a voice yell. They turned around to the voice, "What were you thinking? You could've gotten yourself killed!" His dad came out of the crowd and yelled at him.

Aaron didn't say anything, he just looked away from the man in front of him.

He continues to yell at Aaron until Aphmau steps beside him, "He was just trying to protect everyone! There were still people in there that no one would've helped! So he decided to step up!"

Derek looked towards her, "This doesn't concern you."

"Yes it does! I went in there too, so I'm just as responsible as he his!"

"Well I don't care about you! I'm more concerned about him! He's my son!" This got Aaron's attention, but before he could say anything, Aphmau spoke again.

"I know that! And you have every right to be more worried about him than me. But you should also have some concern about these other people too," Aphmau pointed to the crowd of people trying to heal each other, "You ran a whole building protecting them. You should at least still care for them, see if they need help."

"Who said I cared for them? I just found a spot to care for my family. Then more and more people showed up and begged to stay, then it all turned to chaos! I was feeding people left and right, when that food should've gone to us!" Derek yelled, which attracted attention of all the people.

"What the hell dad?! I thought you were better than this! I thought maybe... Just maybe, you would change out of the selfish man you were when Melissa and Mom died!" Aaron came up and said.

"Don't you dare talk about that!" Aaron grew silent, the tension was thick, and Aphmau felt it. Then, some bangs were heard on the entrance to the mall, leaving everyone panicking.

"Okay, maybe we can settle this later. But now, we need to go! There's a neighborhood not too far from here, I know where it is. Follow me!" Aphmau says to everyone. They nod and make their way, quickly, to safety.

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