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"Work hard and don't give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people."


"Have you ever held a gun before?" Aaron asks bringing a small pistol over to me.

"No. But I can learn!" I say and I take the gun from his hands and aim it at the target.

"Woah! Hey! You need to know good position before you go and start shooting!" 

I look at him, curiously, and he rolls his eyes and takes the gun from my hand and cocks it. He puts both of his arms up on the pistol and puts his finger on the trigger, and closes one eye.

The room was quiet and all I could hear was soft breaths coming from Aaron. Then, next thing I hear is a loud bang. By instinct, I lift up my hands to my ears.

I look to the target and the mark is right on the bullseye. I slowly uncover my ears and look up at him.

"See? Wasn't that hard." He said and put the gun down.

"Psh.. Show off..." I murmur.

"What as that?"


"So show me what ya got sweetheart." He said and pushed the gun towards me.

I look down at the weapon and back up at him.

"Don't call me that." I say, coldly.

"Or what?" He paused and leaned down to my level. "Sweetheart."

I growl and pick up the gun and held it up so it's facing the target. I hear Aaron sigh and walk towards me. He moves my arms up straighter and moves my body to face inwards. I stiffen from the touch but later shake it off.

"Now make sure this," He points to a tiny pin sticking up from the tip of the gun. "Is lined up with this at where you want to shoot." He points to the small 'U' shaped object sticking up near my face. I nod and aim towards the target.

It takes me awhile to get the things lined up but I eventually, almost, get it.

"Take a deep breath, it will help with the shaking." He states.

I take a long, slow breath in and let it out. I look back down the top of the gun and the target it right lined up with my aim. I close my eyes and open them, then shoot.

I wasn't expecting the gun to go flying backwards, but it did. And unfortunately, I go with it and land on my butt. I stay there for a minute thinking about what just happened.

"Hahahahahaha!" Aaron bursts out laughing.

"Grr.... Hey! That wasn't funny!" I stand up and brush myself off.

"Hahaha! I probably should've told you about the recoil." He laughs some more.

I just stand there and cross my arms.

"Haha... But hey.. You got it." He moves his hand to point at the target. I walk up towards it and..


I did.

The shot almost touches the border of the middle and the next section.

"Hm. I did." I turn and face Aaron.

"Oh, don't get too happy... We still have a lot of work to do." He grins.

Oh no.


When I get to my room I go straight to my bed and flop.

"Uggghhh...." My whole body was sore. I've been training all day with Aaron and he didn't even let me rest!

"Bark bark!" I hear the door open and Celestia barking.

"Hey Aphmau! I brought you some food and Celestia back! You've been gone all day. Where were you?" Kim's voice echos through the room. Along with Celestia's barks.

"Oh! Thanks Kim! And... Um.. It's a long story.." I say and grab the food out of her hands.

"Ah, okay... You look tired."

"Yeah, it's been a long day.. Heh..." I say and take a bite out of the burger that she got me.

"Alright, Well. I'll let you be... Bye Aphmau! Bye Celestia!" Kim says and starts out the door.

"Thanks, and bye!" I say before she shuts the door. I look down at Celestia. And she looks tired too. I wonder what they did today.

I finish up my food, take a shower and get changed. I lazily flop on the bed again and just think.

But my mind slowly drifts to Aaron.

Gah! Why am I thinking about him?! 

Well, I did spend the whole day with him.

My eyes suddenly close and consumes me in much needed sleep.

Not The World I knew ~ Aarmau Apocalypse StoryWhere stories live. Discover now