Our Return

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We get a few miles away from our destination and my side starts to sting. Badly.

"Ah! I.. I need to sit for a minute," I walk over to a nearby log. I sit on it and take a few breaths trying to not think about the pain.

Aaron comes to sit next to me, "Do you need the bandage changed?"

"Mmm... I don't know. It just... Hurts..."

I lift up my shirt to take a look at the wrap, "It's fine for now. It'll last until we get there and get it checked out."

Aaron nods and stands up. We continue walking the rest of the way and we see the building come into view.

"Oh my Irene, finally!! Let's go!" Garroth says and runs towards the building, We follow— just not as fast.

We get to the entrance and go in, past the guards. Aaron takes all the supplies, sends me off to the medical center and he goes off on his own ways.

I get to the center and see many people panicking. I then see Kim running around in the mess.


The brunette whips over at me and her face clears of worry, "Aphmau! You're back!" She runs over to me and hugs me.

"Agh! Careful!!" I yelped as she squeezes the wound area. She quickly pulls away and panic goes back on her face.


I slowly lift my shirt up to reveal the bandage wrapped around my body with blood surrounding the wound.

"Oh my god! What happened?!" She carefully places her hand on the bandage and examines the blood.

"I... Was shot. That's what I came in here for but..." I look around the room, "You all seem occupied."

"Yeah... Someone just... Died. But we don't know from what. If it was something from the medication we gave or he just died from natural causes," She gets closer to me, "But between you and me... That new 'doctor' you left us with— I think he had something to do with it." She moved away and looked at me for my reaction.

"I-I don't know... But do you have any available doctors? I need this cared for." I gestured to my side.

"Oh! Yes, sorry. Follow me." She guided me towards the back and got me a nurse. Then, Kim left and left me with her.

I explained to the nurse how I got the wound and she wrote it down.

"Okay... I'll get you a doctor to decide what to do with the wound." I nod and she leaves.

While I wait, I take a look around the room. It was very bland, with the basic necessities of a doctors office, but it was probably made from a storage room from the separate stores of this mall.

A knock made it to the door of the room I was in, then next thing I knew, a familiar face comes in.

"Oh, it's you Aphmau!" Victor walks in and closes the door behind him.

"I see they finally let you be a doctor here."

"Yeah... After many hours of explaining and showing them my great doctor skills... They agreed to let me have a job... And I would think that they would've accepted me sooner or later since doctors are scarce to come around these days." He says, sitting down in the chair next to the bed I was sitting on.

I nod and adjust my position so I can see him. He writes down some things on his clipboard and looks up at me.

"Alright, so it says here you got shot? You might need some medication and an actual wrap that supports your body."

"Yeah... It just hurts now," I adjust to not have so much pressure on my wound, "Do you think the bullet it still in there?"

He thinks for a minute, "Maybe. We'll have to run you through some tests."

I nod and sigh. Thinking of the multiple options I could go through to get a bullet out of me.

"But you mentioned it hurt..." He says in a low tone, "I do have some medicine to keep the pain down..."

My mind quickly thinks to what Kim said.

"But between you and me... That new 'doctor' you left us with— I think he had something to do with it."

"Ummm... Okay." I said, and he walked out of the room.

Why the hell was he acting weird? Maybe Kim was right... But don't the doctors have to test the medicine before they give it out? So it would be fine, right?

I can only hope...

I am so sorry, I forgot to upload this part before the next chapter so I had to un-publish that and publish this and then we go from there.
Sorry if there was any confusion!!

Not The World I knew ~ Aarmau Apocalypse StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant