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"Some days are just bad days, that's all."


"Are you sure this is the right antidote?" One doctor said.

"Yes! This is the one! I know it! This will be the one to cure cancer!" The other doctor said. Holding the bottle of liquid.

"It smells really bad... Maybe we should try it on a animal first?"

"No, because I know this will work, some medicines taste bad but they help! Now, lets get started!" The doctor said and handed the bottle to him and started walking towards the patient while the other stayed behind.

"Just stay still Mr. Smith. I will just inject this into you then you will be free of this horrible disease." He slowly injects the needle into him. The patient immediately feels pain fill through his body, but shakes it off because he knows he's going to be okay.

The doctor stepped away to observe. The other doctor that was looking through the window from the other side of the room writing down what was happening.

The patient started coughing. A lot.

Then after awhile he started coughing up blood.

The doctor slowly walked back. He didn't know what was happening. They did all the right research, and all the right equations that added up perfectly! What could happen?!

The patient stopped moving. Everything was quiet.

Then he started to turn greenish and started to groan and sit up.

The doctor on the other side of the glass panicked and locked the door and ran, forgetting his partner was in there.

The doctor that was in there turned and ran for the door. He turned the knob, expecting it to open, but it didn't. He violently wiggled the doorknob hoping it would open. As the green patient started to get closer, he stopped.

"Ahh!! Please don't hurt me p-- Huh?" He was looking at the patient stopped in his tracks.

"Uh.. Mr. Smith? A-A-Are you...--" He got cut off by him leaping on him and biting everywhere. The doctor screamed for anybody. Somebody to help.

But nobody came.


"CODE RED! CODE RED! THE EXPIREMENT FAILED MISERABLY!! EVERYONE EVACUTE THE BUILDING!!" The doctor who left the horrid scene called over the intercom.

Everyone started to worry and question what was going on, but they evacuated anyway.

"Wait! Victor! Where's my husband?!" A woman called out to the doctor who made the announcement. (He was now leaving the area where the experiment failed. He went back there for something...)

He turned around to her. "He... He..." He didn't know what to say, because he knew exactly what happened.

"Dammit Victor, tell me!" She started tearing up.

"He was experimenting with the new creation he made... He... That thing got him.."

"What?! What thing?!" She started running towards where his work station was."

"Claire! Wait!" He didn't want to risk being killed by the monster so he just turned around and left.

"Alex?! Alex! Answer me!" She turned around the corner and saw something she would never forget.





Not The World I knew ~ Aarmau Apocalypse StoryWhere stories live. Discover now