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"The hardest walk is walking alone... But it's also the walk that makes you the strongest."


Aphmau walks. And walks. And walks

She has no planned place to go to. She just follows where her feet take her.

She did spot a few walkers on the way, but she just went around them.

Occasionally, she would stop when she, or Celestia has to use the bathroom.

Which was hard for Aphmau.

But, let's not talk about that.

The sun begins to set. And the sky quickly fills with stars.

Aphmau looks around for anywhere to sleep. She eventually comes across a cave dug into a mountain.

"There! C'mon Celestia!" She leads her dog into the small cave.

"It's small, but it'll last. Just for tonight..." Celestia whines. And follows Aphmau.


"Dammit!" Aphmau curses to herself, as she drops the flint that she was using to make a fire.

She picks it back up and continues. She strikes the rock against the other piece and it creates a small spark. She keeps up the same force and speed until the spark lights up the few dead leaves on the ground.

"Alright, now we're getting somewhere." Aphmau stands up and grabs small pieces of bark she gathered from a tree, and set it on the small flame. Celestia curls up next to the fire, and Aphnau sits next to her.

"I don't know why I brought you out here, girl." Aphmau says breaking the silence. The dog looks up at her. Trying to acknowledge what she's saying.

"I should've just let you stay with Katelyn and the others. You would've been safer..." Celestia whines and curls up into Aphmau's lap.

She sighs and gets ready for sleep. She piles up some leaves she found and set them against the wall and she sat on them.

"Well, not the comfiest thing I've slept on, but I will do." She sat up against the wall, with Celestia curling up next to her, and fell asleep.


Bark Bark Bark!

Aphmau woke up by the sound of her dog barking. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. Celestia was barking at the entrance of the cave.

"Celestia? What's wrong girl..?" She slowly sat up and walked to where her dog was.

She looked around and there was nothing. No sign of walkers, or anything.

"Celestia, it was probably just the wind. Let's go back to sleep." She lead Celestia back to her makeshift bed.

"Goodnight...." She, once again, drifted off into sleep.


"Come on, girl! We need to keep moving." Aphmau gathered the valuable things that were in the cave, and put them in her book bag.

This was only the second day they've been alone. And Aphmau already is having a hard time. She doesn't know where they're going, or which way they're going. They could be just going in circles for all they know! All she's doing is just... Walking.

That's all she's been doing. It's like she knows nothing more then just moving her legs.

Why did she have to leave?

She though she could stay if she just gathered resources for the shelter.

She doesn't know why her and Katelyn can't just share a room.

All these things she doesn't know. All the questions in her head. And yet...

She has no answers to any of them.

She just keeps walking...

And walking....

And walking...

And walking..

Not The World I knew ~ Aarmau Apocalypse StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora