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"Goodbye, is the most painful way to solve a problem."


We walk up to the house, that looks in good shape, considering the conditions outside. I walk to the front door, Aaron following behind, and I knock.

"Katelyn? Katelyn! Are you in there?!" I yell to the door.

"Wait, you know who lives here?" Aaron asks.

"Yeah... I was on the phone with her when... This.. All started." My eyes drift downwards towards the doorknob. I reach out my hand and try to open it.

It takes a few turns but, it eventually opens. We walk inside and find everything a mess. Almost everything is shattered and broken on the floor. I start to panic.

"Katelyn?!" I say again, but this time a little quieter.

"I hate to say this, but... I don't think she's here--"

"A-Aphmau...?" I hear someone whimper. I whip my head around to the voice and see a beaten up looking, blue haired girl.

"Katelyn!" I hurry to her and hug her tight. "Thank goodness I found you! What happened to you?! Are you hurt?"

"I...I.." She paused to cough. "I could be better." She says without emotion. She was really in bad shape.

"How long have you been here?" I ask her, holding her up so she doesn't fall.

"...Probably since this whole thing started. I haven't had food or water for days..." She coughs again.

"Here, take this." I get some bread out of my backpack and give it to her.

"Where did you get that?" Aaron says.

"I... Found it..." I turn my attention back to Katelyn who almost finished half the bread. I then hand her a bottle of water and she immediately chugs it.

"Thank you Aph..." Katelyn says. Sounding a little better.

"C'mon. We need to get you to a better place. With lots for food and water. I smile and help her up.

"Woah, woah... Can I, uh... Talk to you for a minute?" Aaron calls me over. I set Katelyn, carefully, on the couch and walk over to Aaron.

"I don't know if you ignored what my father said, but he said we can't afford anymore people in the shelter." He whispered.

"But, it's just one more person." I argue, but he doesn't change his mind.

"That's the problem! We said 'It's only one more person' for 2 months now! Now we're overrun by people, and we barely have any supplies for anyone!" His soft aura quickly changes to a completely different feeling.

I stay silent and look over at Katelyn. Who's currently in a daze.

"I know she's your friend. And I hate to turn away anyone, but it's what I have to do. To keep everyone alive." I stay quiet, and think to myself.

Katelyn needs this more than I do right now... I have to do this.

"Then let Katelyn take my place." He raised an eyebrow at me.


"Let Katelyn take my place in the shelter... She needs it more than I do."

"No... I can't.. I mean... No! No... That's not how this place works." He stutters to find the right words.

"What do you mean 'that's not how this place works'?! I could up-and-leave whenever I want!" I cross my arms and step back.

"No. You can't." His voice turns into a more serious tone.

"I can, and I will," I turn around and help Katelyn off the couch. "I'll head back to the shelter, drop Katelyn off, and be on my way!" I go to walk out the front door.

Aaron doesn't say anything, just follows.


We get back to the shelter and I give Katelyn more food, and she eats.

"So, is there anything you want to keep from my room?" I ask her.

"Aphmau, I'm sorry, but I can't take your place here. I'll leave, you don't have to worry about me." Katelyn assures, but I refuse.

"No, it's okay. Besides..." I take out a bag full of food and water. "I'm all set."

"Aphmau... I can't live here knowing that you're out there alone, and have a chance of dying!" Katelyn says.

"And I can't either. You're in no condition to be out here alone again. Who knows what's gonna happen! Please Katelyn, this place taught me some survival skills that I can use. So trust me... I'll be fine!" I say and start to head out.

I hear a bark behind me. I turn around and Celestia is sitting there.

"Plus, I have Celestia to keep me company." I smile. But Katelyn fights to keep tears from dropping.

I sigh and walk up to her and hug her.

"I'll be fine, I promise." She hugs tighter. "Hehe... Maybe I'll even visit again."

She pulls away and wipes away some stray tears.

"You better!" We both laugh.

"See ya. Come on Celestia!" I say my last goodbyes and head out.

I get to the front and am stopped by the guards.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"I'm leaving." I adjust the bag on my back.

"Well, we need to check your bag. Make sure you didn't take anything from us." They walk towards me and I step back. Celestia starts to growl.

I hate to admit it but, I did take some of the food, but I can't let them know that.

"I-I have nothing of yours! This is all my stuff, I swear!" I told them. But they insisted.

"We need to. It's just protocol." One guard tries to take the bag off my shoulder. I pull away from his grasp.

"M'am. The way you're acting makes us think you do have some stuff of ours in the bag." He says, and reaches for his gun.

"Oh come on! I thought you guys wanted people out of here! So why can't you be willing to just let people walk out?!" I argue and the two guards look at each other.

"If everyone leaves with our things, then we will have nothing left for the rest of us! If you're leaving to fend for yourself then you should look for your own resources!" He pulls out the gun from the holster. I back away more.

"Ok! Fine! Take it! I'll just leave!" I throw the bag on the floor and walk past them, with Celestia following me.

I walk out of the vicinity and make my own way through this forsaken land.

Not The World I knew ~ Aarmau Apocalypse StoryWhere stories live. Discover now