*Extra* Aaron's Past (The Days Out: Part 1.5)

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They didn't find any other town for the rest of the day, and it was already night time, so they found a place to camp out which was out in the open, surrounded by bushes and covered with trees. They made a fire and got big leaves and logs to make a makeshift bed.

Everyone fell asleep quickly while, of course, Aaron and Aphmau were still awake.

"Still thinking about it?" Aaron said, obviously talking to Aphmau, who was the only one awake.

"Yeah... A little." She admits.

"Why does it bother you so much?" He asks.

Aphmau just looks over at him, kinda annoyed.


"Nothing.. Sorry, it's just.. I could ask you the same thing.." She smirks a bit.

"Hey! I asked you first!"

"Hehe.. I know." There was a few moments of silence, with the occasional popping of the fire.

"It was just a kid.. You know.. She had a whole life ahead of her.. So many paths... So many choices she could make. But it all ended so soon.." Aphmau now had her knees to her chest, staring into the fire, her mind filling with so many thoughts about the girl. "Why didn't you shoot her?"

"I.. I couldn't...." He said and looked over at Aphmau. She looked back at him.

"Was it because of me?" She asked.

"Maybe..." He sighed and leaned back onto the log.

Aphmau leaned back too. Listening to the fire.

"You know.. I never told you about my family. About how we got split up during all of this." He says. not taking his eyes of the fire.

Aphmau turns towards him. Listening to his every word.

"You told me about what happened to you.. So It's only fair that I tell you." He turns his head a little towards Aphmau and looks at her from the corner of his eye. Aphmau scoots closer to him.

"Before all this started, my family owned a very popular business. We were... Wealthy.. But I could've honestly cared less about that part..." He paused. "I had a sister, Melissa, we would do everything together... She understood my pain, she was the only one who could relate to me.. But then eventually my dad put me in military school."

"Why did you need to go there?" Aphmau asked.

"Because... I just... Couldn't control myself around others... And that's all I'm going to say about that topic."

Aphmau nodded and let him continue.

"Military school, was hard. It took a lot of work and determination to get through it. And that's where I got my hunting and shooting skills from..." Aaron said, and looked over at Aphmau to make sure she was still listening. And she was. But now she was almost right next to him.

He sighed again, thinking if he should go on. But he did anyway.

"After about 4 years of that horrid school, I got back. And no, my parents didn't celebrate my return like any other parents would've. In fact, they were so caught up in work, they didn't even notice I was home for a week... But my Melissa.. As soon as I got home she literally jumped on me." He smiled thinking back on that moment.

And for Aphmau, this was the first time she saw him genuinely smile.

"I was home for a few months, and that's when I saw something different happening with Melissa, I couldn't tell what, but she was throwing up every morning. And didn't want to do anything for the whole day..."

Aphmau gasped and realized why.

"She was pregnant!" Aaron and Aphmau said at the same time.

"Yeah.. Apparently she got a boyfriend while I was gone. So she told me one day and a few days later she told him.. And he dumped her right then and there."

Aphmau was shocked. "W-What? Why...?"

"Agh... I told you too much.. I'm sorry." He stood up and walked towards his bed.

"No! You didn't! Aaron!" Aphmau said as she grabbed his arm, making him turn to look at her.

"I can tell you really want to get this of your chest. Just tell me! I won't tell anyone else! I promise!" She looked at him with pleading eyes. He just looks away. "I'll tell you everything about me if that makes you feel any better!"

Aaron thinks for a minute. "Fine..." He then returns to his original spot. And Aphmau sits next to him.

It takes him a moment to get back on track.

"After he dumped her, she was devastated. My mother did help her.. And I did too. As much as I could anyway.. About 4 months later, you could really tell she was pregnant. Then... This happened." He gestured to everything around them. "My father recommended us to go to the mall, which he owns, we all agreed and started heading there. But on our way we were crowded by people begging us to let them in our car. My dad just drove by them, but I guess, while we were in that crowd, someone pulled a part out of the car because it broke down not too long after." He turned to check on Aphmau again, and yep, she was still listening.

"So we ran off on foot, but.. We made the mistake of running into the woods. That's where all the people and... Dead people... Were going through. So, we run a little further until a group of monsters block out path, and block behind us too. My father gave me a extra gun he had, I didn't question why he had a gun, but I just started shooting and next thing I knew, I heard screams. I turned around, and we totally forgot there were monsters behind us..." Aaron said, not with much emotion.

"Oh no... I'm so sorry, Aaron.." Aphmau put her hand on his shoulder. He looked at her and smiled at bit. But then it soon faded, and he stood up.

"And here we are now... Sorry for taking up your time.." He went to sit on a log my the fire. "I'll be first watch."

"W-Wait, I thought you wanted to hear my story.." Aphmau went to stand next to him.

"Eventually I you can tell me, but, I know you need sleep." He smiles softly at her.

"Okay... But, if you need anyone to talk to... I'm here." Aaron nods. And Aphmau walks over to her makeshift bed and lays down.

She smiles to herself, knowing that she has Aaron's full trust now, and that she knows him a little better.

And she's relieved that they share a similar past.

But nothing can compare to Aaron's heartbreaking past.

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