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As promised I'm here.

The Quiet.

    It was something that was marvelous to Jimin. His mind was blank, his soul was blank. Blank of sound, voices and meaningless nothings.

   Then, the sweet quiet was broken by that voice.

  "Hy...I.. don't think... time to be getting married, " He can hear Jungkook calling to him like a siren, except he's immune, but he can still hear the edges of his alluring song.

  "I ....Namjoon... told the press."

It's fuzzy and it felt like someone stuffed cotton in his ears. But it's still there, mesmerizing him.

  Tight calloused fingers gripped his biceps, shooting pain up his arms. Jungkook's image hit him like a truck.

  There he is, Jimin sighs, the beautiful man in question.

His eyes are what drew me in, but that gorgeous smile and that heart of gold made me stay. Like big waves, they pulled me in and drowned me mercilessly, damn bastards.

  Jungkooks dark brows furrowed fiercely. Unheard words spat out of his mouth, but Jimin could only stare up at him and smile like a fool.

  Why does my poor heart feel like it's about to give out and crumble on itself?

"Okay," was all Jimin said. His soft, painful smile was still intact, but his eyes were lost somewhere in his mind.

  Jungkook stayed still, tracing over the lines of the Omega's palm and rubbing them.

"I just want to make sure that we are alright until we took the next step. It was dumb and selfish of me to want to get married so quickly... I was only thinking about me, Hyung." The Alpha sounded choked up and frustrated, the anger in his eyes directed at himself.

  Jimin nodded mutely, an empty reassurance that made the taller nervous.

He slipped his slim hand out of Jungkook's and lifted Jihyun's limp body into his arms before standing up. The pup made a disgruntled noise but was soon hushed by Jimin's caresses and coos.

  Jungkook sat where he did before, looking at the ghost of his lover's hands on top of his deserted one.
"Okay, Kookie," He bounced Jihyun on his shoulder, glancing back at the sleeping boy's face with a tired grin. He did not spare a look at Jungkook. "Okay. I'm taking Jihyun and myself to bed, join us when you're ready."

  Jungkook heard him walk away, the soft patting of his feet were louder than the background noise coming from the speakers.

  When his steps could no longer be heard, he fisted his outstretched hand tightly.

The next morning, at the asscrack of dawn, Jungkook snapped his eyes opened to a freezing, empty spot next to him.

    Last night, when Jungkook crawled beside Jihyun, Jimin was out like a light. He checked his face and spotted no traces of crying.

  He didn't know why he'd think he'd cry, maybe, it was because he kept doing it recently. Jungkook laughed at the thought of Jimin being an emotional baby and sobbing at even the slightest thing. Jimin would rather race a hell horse than ever live up to the stereotype of an Omega.

  The stubborn little Omega, he mused endearingly.

  He felt the distance the other put between them, it stretched miles and miles away from Jimin, the one person he felt like he could be his own age around.

  With Jimin, he wasn't a twenty-one-year-old that needed to be the embodiment of perfection. Not a rich, businessman that had so many responsibilities on his shoulders that he felt suffocated by the weight.

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