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Bow down to Kim Seokjin, biches 🙇‍♀️ lol

"-biscuit...." Jimin awkwardly finished and stood rigidly still next to Mr. Kim. All he could do was stare at Jungkook, who stared right back.

"Oh, thank goodness, Jimin. I thought I'd starve to death." Mr. Kim yanked the paper bag out of his hand, startling Jimin from his intense staring contest with Jungkook.

This was when panic settled in. Fuck, shit, shit, shit, what in the hell is he doing here.

Jimin looked around the table and saw that the only other person besides Mr. Kim and Jungkook, was a tall man looking sophisticated in glasses and a white turtleneck. Jimin felt uncomfortable just standing there, so he politely bowed and almost bolted out the door, when a voice stopped him.

"Wait!" Jungkook's desperate voice filled the room.

Jimin's hand froze on the door handle as he slowly looked back at the table. Mr. Kim and the other man were staring at Jungkook in surprise at his sudden outburst.

"Uh," Jungkook cleared his throat and spoke again. "Is this one of your models, Mr. Kim?" He asked, referring to Jimin.

Mr. Kim, still holding his biscuit frozen in mid air, chuckled. Jimin turned around fully and glared at the back of his boss's head. Mr. Kim set his biscuit down on the paper bag and put on his business face.

"No, Mr. Jeon. Jimin, here is my personal assistant, but would you like to look at some of our models pictures?" Mr. Kim said, trying to remain formal and polite, but Jimin saw his bouncing knee, indicating he was still very nervous.

Jungkook, also now back to being formally polite, nodded curtly and continued to stare at Jimin. Mr. Kim motioned him over and he walked cautiously over to him.

"Jimin-ah, can you pull up our models and their works on your iPad?"

"Of course," Jimin said all too quickly and stalked out of the room.

What the hell, why is he here? Curse you, Jungkook and your dumb face.

Jimin jogged back into the meeting room and pulled up all the info of the models that were signed with them.

He walked very slowly over to Jungkook and handed the tablet to him. Jungkook tried to look into his eyes, but Jimin refused to look at him and moved back over to Mr. Kim's side. He looked over at the other towering skyscrapers with a peachy pink tint on his cheeks, anywhere except Jungkook.

"Scroll up to move to the next model and click their picture for more information.... Now Mr. Jeon, what's the special occasion for the magazine?" Mr. Kim asked, still not touching his cooling biscuit.

Jungkook looked up from the screen and glanced at Jimin before he looked back at Mr. Kim with a blank expression.

"It's going to be my 21st birthday next month and my father wants me to marry soon...." Jungkook said with a soft, yet firm voice.

Jimin fidgets with his ring and mulls over his words. Jungkook sure has matured. His voice is a bit more huskier and he only got more bulky, but he also looks a lot more worn out. His lips turn down as he looked over his ex lover again. Why would he get married at such a young age?

"Ah, I see... Well, please tell me if you have a problem or request and I'll gladly help." Mr. Kim seemed to soften up and he's nervous knee-bouncing stopped.

Jungkook nodded and rubbed his chin as he looked through the tablet. His dark brows furrowed as he looks at the screen in concentration, reminding Jimin of Jihyun instantly. No, no, Jimin. You need to stay away. Right.

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