Chapter 58- Demons

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I wanna hide the truth

I wanna shelter you

But with the beast inside

There’s nowhere we can hide


No matter what we breed

We still are made of greed

This is my kingdom come

This is my kingdom come

I heard a knocking from downstairs but I didn’t make any effort to move. I hadn’t really left my room since I’d been home and that’s about a two weeks.

“Brooklyn, can you get the door please?” my mum called.

“I’m busy,” I lied as I continued to scroll down my Tumblr dashboard. 

“Just get the door,” she ordered so I groaned loudly and dragged myself off my bed.

I opened the door to be faced with Jacob and his girlfriend Mackenzie. I rolled my eyes and walked away from the door. I was honestly surprised they were still together.

“Hey little sis,” Jacob taunted.

“Don’t talk to me,” I deadpanned and started up the stairs.

“Lunch Brooklyn,” mum told me.

“I’m not hungry,” I continued.

“Eat now or your grounding gets extended,” she threatened.

“Go ahead. It’s not like I have any friends anymore”

“Come and eat otherwise I’m disconnecting the WIFI,” I groaned loudly then started back down the stairs even know I was half way.

“I don’t want to be in this family anymore,” I grumbled.

“Tough,” dad said as we sat at the table.

“Why are you here?” I asked, slumped in my chair with my arms crossed over my chest.

“We wanted to come and wee you,” Mackenzie answered with a smile.

“I’ve been home for two weeks”

“You’re so pessimistic,” Jacob told me.

“I think your girlfriend has started stuffing her bra,” I told him and everyone’s faces turned pale. “It’s not that big of a deal I used to do it when I was in grade eight,” I shrugged.

“I haven’t started stuffing my bra,” Mackenzie told me.

“Then you got surgery?” I asked raising an eyebrow.


“Don’t,” Jacob started.

“And I’m a pawn in your little game again. Yay,” I said sarcastically.

“I had a baby,” Mackenzie let slip.

I sat up straight, “what?”

“We gave her to a nice couple that couldn’t have children,” she continued.

“When did you find out?”

“A month before you left”

“So that’s another reason you wanted me so desperately to go? So you could hide this from me?” I asked, my face getting warmer due to anger. “First grandad now this?” I fumed.

“Brooklyn…” mum began.

“Don’t! Just fucking don’t!” I said then stormed up the stairs.

I slid on my black high-tops and a hoodie before looking out my bedroom window. It was raining, yes! I thundered back down the wooden steps and saw my “family” waiting for me.

“Where are you going?” dad asked.

“For a walk,” I answered.

“No you’re not,” mum told me.

“You can’t stop me. You lying, scheming people. I met Kate and Colin by the way,” their faces dropped. “Told me you bullied them into a closed adoption. Different story to the one you told me, huh? When I’m eighteen I’m moving to Miami and you can’t stop me”

“Brooklyn Louise Williams!” “Mum” scolded.

“I’d rather be an Anderson”

“They didn’t want you,” she said after I pushed passed and to the door.

“They wanted me and they wanted to keep in touch but no. You had to be greedy and keep me all to yourself. You could have had another child but no, you took me away from people who cared about me. You disgust me you really do. You’ll be lucky if I come “home” tonight,” I spat then walked out the door and slammed it as hard as I could. 

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