Chapter 4- Air Balloon

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Chapter 4- Air Balloon

Somebody remind me where I am

Miami or Timbuktu?

Did I ever tell you my uncle's monkey ran away from the zoo?

Would you tell me what this all means?

What happens if I go through that door?

Cause I'm looking up at the ceiling, but it's turning into the floor


When I'm bored, I, kinda drift away,

I'm not sure, quite, why we work all day

I've been thinking, and I've got this plan

"What ya up to Queen Bee?" Michael asked making me laugh.

"Queen Bee?" I questioned.

"I'm still working on a nickname for you"

"What's your nickname?"


"Obviously," I said face palming.

"Ashton's is Ash, Calum's is Cal and Luke's is Lukey"

"I hate it when people put a y onto the end of someone's name. It pisses me off"

"Kay then," he laughed.

"Anyway...I'm surfing Tumblr and reading fanfics"

"You read Fanfiction?"

"Ah yes! It's the best thing in the world"

"I'm walking away before I catch your crazy"

"You've already been infected," I laughed crazily.

I kept reading this story on Wattpad called I Talk To A Camera by KellicFoxes. (OMFG THIS WAS SO LONG AGO!!! SHE"S HAD A NAME CHANGE AND DELETED THIS BOOK SINCE :( TheCancerPatient) Vic had just given Kellin a hedgehog and I swear my ovaries were melting. I got up from the bed and went to go to my suitcase but tripped and face planted.

"Um...what's going on?" Ashton asked me.

"My ovaries are melting," I answered and rolled onto my back as he bent down.

"Don't touch me," I saw hum jump and stand up.

"What's going on?" Luke asked.

"So many feels!" I groaned.


"Can I have a hedgehog?"


"Awe!" I whined and lifted my head up. "Why not?"


"Why is Brooklyn on the floor?" Calum asked.

"I swear KellicFoxes is trying to kill me," I told them.


"So many feels!" I said then stood up.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Feels is when you feel a specific feeling and there are too many to handle so girls ovaries figuratively melt"

"Okay then," he said drawing out the words.

"My ovaries have melted a million times so don't worry," I laughed and they latterly looked scared. "You'll get used to my fangirling".

"I don't think I want to," Calum said walking past making me laugh.

"It's fun to fangirl".

"I don't want to know." Michael said walking into the kitchen.

"I'm bored," Ashton complained.

"Same," Luke agreed.

"Why don't we do a twitcam to introduce our new best friend?" Ashton suggested.

"Are you sure you want me in it? I mean...they might not like me," I said and began scratching my face.

"They'll love you," Luke assured me.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Just be yourself," Calum told me.

"Sure, myself"

"Just act natural," Luke whispered into my ear.

I looked at him and gave a small nod before moving my stuff into my suitcase so it was out of the way. All the boys had sent out a tweet with 'surprise twitcam with a special guest ;) Should start in 10"

The plan was for me to join in after a little while so I just sat on the sidelines picking at my cheek. Everyone kept asking who their "special guest" was.

"Hi," Ashton shouted.

"They can see your hat," Luke told me.

"Ashton stole my hat!" I shouted.

"Now they know our special guest is a girl"

"It's Luke's girlfriend!" Michael shouted.

They all started laughing, "they think it's true".

"I'd rather date Michael thank you very much," I piped in and they all went into hysterics except Luke.

"Why is that?" they all looked at me for an explanation.

"Because he's the most punk-rock," I answered.

"Thank you" he said then ran over and hugged me. He then picked me up and dragged me over, "this is Brooklyn".

"Hi guys," I smiled and waved. 

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