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First off, fetes me in the side with my friend and batgirl. Second, holy fucking shit!! This story has now over 100K reads. Thank you guys so much!!!
But there is something more important I want to talk about. That's correcting. I get it, it bugs me too when something isn't spelled correctly but it just pisses me off when people correct me and most of the time it's because I'm using Australian spelling. And also, I'm sick and tired of people criticising my writing, especially in this book. "He just met her", "my mum would never let me go on tour with someone she doesn't know". Ok, I get. This probably wouldn't happen but let me just set a few things straight.
1, Luke just wants to help Brooklyn. He sees a broken girl and wants to fix her.
2, her mum as at her whit's end. She just wants her baby back and wants to prevent her pre-mature death.
3, I wrote this story early last year but didn't post it until about June or something. The boys were SHORTER!!!! I'm sick of the constant comments about the God damn height difference. At that time like was 6'1 do fucking back off!!!
4, people keep saying that weed can't kill you. I know it can't on it own but she HAD SO MUCH FUCKING ALCOHOL!!! My friend had a little more then she did then had some weed and it NEARLY FUCKING DIED!! His internal organs SHUT DOWN!!! He was hospitalised for a month and when you spoke to him he was drifting in and out of consciousness for like 2 weeks.
5, there is like 2 people who always comment negative things on this book. To you two bitches, DONT FUCKING READ MY BOOK IF YOU DONT FUCKING LIKE IT!!! I don't give a fucking shit if I sound rude because I'm done with your shit right now.
I don't have anything more now but I'm re-reading the comments as I re-read the book so I'll probably update this later with more.
But guys please, no more comments on how "unrealistic" this book is or I'll simply remove it. This may be one of the works I'm most proud of but if this continues I will delete it. Sorry for sounding so harsh but it just needed to be said.
Have a good rest of you day or night. Thanks again guys.

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