Chapter 13- Last Night

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Wake up in the morning

With the sunlight in my eyes,

No, my head don't feel so bright,

What the hell happened last night?

Yeah last night think we were dancing,

Singing all our favorite songs.

Think I might have kissed someone.

And if tomorrow never comes

We had last night.

"What ya doin'?" Ash asked jumping onto the couch.

"Holy fuck! You scared the crap out of me," I said putting my hand on my chest as I took deep breaths.

"I can see. So..."


"What ya doing?"

"Watching YouTube. Why?" I asked skeptically.

"Just asking," he smiled chirpily.

"Sure," I said giving him a look.

"Sleep well?"

"I guess. Ashton..."


"What do you know?"

"A lot," he chuckled.

"I mean about me. What are you hinting at?"

"I'm not hinting at anything," he told me but I wasn't convinced.

"Ashton, what are you doing?"

"Just having a conversation with you"

"But why do I feel like you know something I don't?"

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"Ashton...tell me"

"I don't know what you want me to tell you"



"Ashton's scaring me"


"I'm just talking to her"

"Yes but you're scaring me," I said then jumped off the couch. "Save me Captain America," I called and hid behind Calum.

"Captain America?"

"Batman, Robin, Captain America and Spiderman," I smiled.

"I thought you whould have used our actual superhero names"


"You're crazy," Calum told me.

"Only a little"

"No...a lot," he said then spun around and threw me over his shoulder making me laugh.

"Save me Mike-Ro-Wave!" I called to Michael who was playing his DS.

"Your friendly neighborhood Mike-Ro-Wave is here to save you," he shouted standing heroically on the couch.

"Dr. Fluke we need your assistance!" Ashton shouted as Calum exited the dressing room.

"Cal-Pal's gone evil," "Smash" shouted.

"What's going on?" an Irish accented voice asked.

"Cal-Pal's gone rogue and kidnapped an innocent bystander," Luke told him.

"Nice ass," Calum whispered to me making me laugh hysterically.

"Niall help her," Michael called.

"Niall's Captain Ireland," I said the squealed because Calum spun around.

"To the rescue," Niall shouted. "Hand her over"

"Never," Calum shouted then we went sharply sideways and I felt him start running.

I was just draped over his shoulder and my arms dangled as he moved, "Harry help us!" Luke shouted.

"Shit," Calum cursed then went down a different hall. "Fuck," he cursed again probably because one of the other boys was down the hall we were in. "I'm out," he said then put me down and shoved passed Louis.

"Are you alright?" Luke asked but I just lay on the ground dramatically. "Don't die on me!" he shouted as he straddled my waist and everyone was laughing. "I'll get you Cal-Pal!" he shouted then fake sobbed nuzzling my stomach. "And I'm done," he laughed getting up and offering me his hand.

Everyone laughed and clapped so Luke and I took a bow, "and I'm never acting again," I smiled.

"You were really good at playing dead," Ashton told me.

"I was breathing," I said looking at him like he was crazy.

"Oh," he said making me laugh.

"Luke was pretty convincing," I smiled and he winked at me.

"What's going on here?" Ash asked.

"Ya mu. Wait what?" I said furrowing my eyebrows together at myself.

"You need to be locked away"

"You need to be locked away," I shouted then turned but walked into the wall causing everyone to laugh. 

Disasterology ✞Luke Hemmings✞حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن