Chapter 37- Amsterdam

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Breathing flames from tourist trade

Your eyes go quite frightening

You lock your gaze on to my face

"Morning," I chirped to Luke who just rubbed his eyes.

"If you're going to kill me make it quick"

"Thanks for that," I said rolling my eyes.

"Happy Birthday!" the guys shouted causing me to laugh.

We started singing to him as he rolled his eyes. Once the candles had been blown out he flopped back onto the bed. I got up and straddled his waist making him look at me.

"We're going to go before this goes too far," Michael told us and before I could object the door was closed.

"Happy birthday," I said again and bent down to peck his lips.

"Thanks...why are you sitting on me?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I wanted to give you this," I said and handed him the box.

"Should I be worried? Is a bunch of confetti going to explode in my face?"

"Enough with the jokes," I told him and gestured to the box.

He opened the envelope first and I watched as the tickets fell onto the bed, "what's this?"

"Read them. You have eyes"

"All Time Low concert tickets?" he asked in shock.

"Yeah. I knew you liked them and so do I so I thought we could go together," I smiled shyly.

I watched the smile on his face grow making me smile brighter. I watched as he scanned over the card and saw his eyes become glassy.

"Shit! I didn't want to make you cry"

"I love you so much," he said making me laugh slightly.

He placed a kiss to my lips then started tear the blue wrapping paper. I heard him laugh and he pulled out a new flannel and an All Time Low shirt.

"For the concert"

"Obviously," he chuckled then brought me into another kiss.

"We should go down to the guys," I said trying to pull away with a laugh.

"But I like being here with you," he told me with a smirk and pressed our lips together once more.

"Luke," I half moaned half whined as he started to kiss my neck. My breathing started to become heavier as I felt him nip at the skin, "ok! I'm liking this way too much"

"Isn't that the point? You're supposed to like it," he chuckled and I let the euphoric feeling wash over me.

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry but I cant keep going," I said loudly and got off the bed.

"You can't do this to me," he whined.

"You did this to yourself," I laughed and walked out and into the kitchen.

"Shit!" Michael cursed and I raised an eyebrow at him. "You're lips are bruised and your neck is red"

"At least I get more action than you do"

"Hey! That was uncalled for," he pouted.

"Not my fault you're still single" I smirked.

"Morning guys," Luke smirked as he strolled into the kitchen.

"Got your boner under control?" I asked with a laugh as I looked through the fridge.

"I didn't have a boner," he protested.

"Just keep telling yourself that baby"

"Just shut up Brooklyn"

"Calm down cranky," I laughed and he rolled his eyes. "Its just payback for all those jokes you made before about the present"

"I genuinely thought confetti was gonna shoot out"

"I can be mean but I'm not that mean"

"Sure, whatever," he chuckled and now it was my turn to roll my eyes.


"We're going to IHOP for breakfast. You ok with that?" Ashton asked the birthday boy.

"I guess," Luke shrugged.

"I've never had it before. What is it exactly?" Ash just shrugged.

"International house of pancakes," Michael called.

"Oh my god. How did I not know that?" Ashton said face palming himself.

"To IHOP!" Calum called and I laughed at the sight of him just in his boxers.

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