Chapter 46- Moment 4 Life

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A/N- ok so this chapter skips ahead to like the 20th of September ok? Sorry for the big time skip


I fly with the stars in the sky

I am no longer tryin' to survive

I believe that life is a prize

But to live doesn't mean you're alive

Brooklyn's P.O.V

I sat in a chair behind the camera. It was extremely uncomfortable but bearable. I was reading Love Letters Dead by Ava Dellaira as the boys had their interview. I was almost asleep, not because the book was boring but because after my dream the night before I didn't go back to sleep. I'd managed to hid the bags under my eyes with makeup but I think Luke was catching on.

"So Luke..." the female interview said catching both his and my attention. "There's a pretty big scandal going around Twitter involving you," she told him.

I raised an eyebrow at him and he looked back at me with the same confusion, "what's that?" he asked.

"Pictures from your birthday night out have surfaced. Everyone's talking about how the girl in the picture isn't Brooklyn and apparently you tweeted something about the mysterious girl being better than her but deleted it only a minute after. But fans are agreeing with you," she explained.

I felt my heart rip in half at her words. Luke looked over at me but I waved him off as I got up and walked out. I heard muffled shouting but ignored it as I walked out the back. I wiped my wet cheeks with the backs of my hands and took a heavy breath.

"Brooklyn!" Luke called from behind.

"What are you doing? You have to finish the interview," I told him then exited through the back door.

"That wasn't true," he told me.

"What part wasn't true Luke?" I asked angrily.

"The tweet thing. I didn't tweet anything on my birthday except for the one before we left for breakfast. Brooklyn I would never do that to you," he told me.

"Really? Because you weren't supposed to cheat on me but you did," I spat and hurt settled on his face.

"I told you I didn't mean that," he said.

"I know and I've forgiven you but that doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt," I told him.

"That interviewer had no right. She wasn't allowed to bring it up but she did!" he fumed and back me against the brick wall. "I only want you and you know that. You're my everything"

"You haven't really proven it to me," I tested.

A smirked tugged on his lip and he had a cheeky glint in his eyes, "what do you suggest I do about it?"

"Kiss me?" I smiled.

"Now I can do that," he smiled cheekily before pressing his lips firmly against mine.

"Luke we have too..." one of the boys panicked but stopped in their tracks when they saw us. "Sorry," Michael apologized with a blush on his cheeks. He cleared his throat awkwardly, "we have to get back to the interview"

"You ok?" Luke asked quietly.

"I'll be in; in a minute," I told him then reached up and pecked his lips before he went back inside.

I let out a heavy sigh as I rubbed my face. I leant my forehead against the wall I was leaning against moments before and sucked in a deep breath. It's ok Brooklyn. Luke loves you, not that nasty, skank bitch that kissed him. You just need to breathe and go back inside; don't let them see you hurt because they feed on other people's misery. After my peptalk and a few seconds of psyching myself up, I put on a smile and walked back inside. I sat back in my chair and picked my book back up. The interview took another ten minutes before the boys played a song (Amnesia) and we got to leave.

There was a swarm of girls out the front of the building so I stayed close to Luke as they took some pictures and signed some stuff. I bumped into a girl who was a little taller than me with blonde hair.

"Oh, sorry," I apologized.

She gave me a look of disgust before scoffing and turning towards Luke, "hey Luke," she said over happily and asked him to sign her CD. After he took a picture with her she turned back to me, "what are you still doing here?" she asked.

"I'm Luke's girlfriend. I have as much of a right to be here as you," I retaliated.

"He doesn't even love you. He'd be much better with someone like me," she said and smirked when I looked at my feet.

I felt something inside me snap so I looked up at her in anger, "you know what? No! No he wouldn't. It's bitches like you who put everyone else down to feel better about yourself. But guess what? It doesn't fucking work. So I suggest you apologies to me or go the fuck away. Girls like you don't disserve to be a fan of suck an amazing band as 5SOS. You're just a bully who's insecure and believes she won' ever get a boyfriend. And with an attitude like that I highly doubt you will," I spat and heard a few snickers around us.

She got right in my face and I was just about ready to wet myself from being so scared but I kept it inside, "what?" she asked through gritted teeth.

"You heard me bitch," I said lowly and stared right into her eyes until I was dragged away.

"What the fuck was that?!"

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