Chapter 16- Airplanes

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Can we pretend that airplanes

In the night sky are like shooting stars?

I could really use a wish right now

Wish right now

Wish right now

Can we pretend that airplanes

In the night sky

Are like shooting stars?

I could really use a wish right now

Wish right now

Wish right now

"You alright? You've been very quiet this morning," Michael asked as we waited on the benches for our flight to be called.

"Tired," I lied and faked a yawn.

My phone buzzed and I saw a text from Luke.

Luke is a penguin

I know you're lying. What's up?

Doesn't matter

It matters to me

Just drop it please

Just tell me

I'm jealous ok? Happy?

Of who?

Luckily for me our flight was called so I grabbed my California Republic backpack and stood up. As we were going through the terminal I hear talking from behind me.

"Say hi Brooklyn," Luke told me.

"Hi," I smiled and gave the camera the rock sign.

"Where are we going?"

"Dublin. I've always wanted to go to Ireland"

"It's amazing," Ashton told me.

"I'll take your word for it"

"Ten seconds"

"That's ages," Michael told him.

"Uh...nipple," Calum said lifting up his shirt and pointing to his nipple.

I snickered and ran into a wall, "fuck!"

"You like running into walls," Ashton laughed.

"I have poor coordination," I yelled and ran into Michael. "I'm seriously Karen Smith from Mean Girls"

"You're smarter than she is"

"I know but sometimes I don't act like it"

"I'm surprised you haven't killed yourself yet," Ashton laughed. I looked at him in shock and offence for a moment then what he said registered as a job so I laughed, "that's the weirdest response I've ever gotten from telling a joke"

"Sorry it had to register as a joke"

"Shit! Sorry I forgot"

"Dude chill. It's fine," I smiled and he hugged me from behind and started kicking his legs around as we walked making me go into hysterics.

I ran my fingers through my fringe to move it to the side and I felt a stare at the back of my head. I turned to see Luke glaring at Ashton but when he saw I was looking he looked away. Weird.


"Get up. We're going to get food," Calum told me.

"I can't," I groaned.

"Why not?"

"I'm tired, my hair is messy and I have no friends," I replied.

"We're your friends"

"But I'm too tired," I groaned again and he pulled me off the bed.

"You'll live," he smiled.

We only had to walk a few streets away to get to a small café that the boys wanted to eat at. Once we sat down I leant forward and rested my head on the table.

"What's up?" Ash asked.

"Cramps," I said with a slight groan.

"How bad could it be?"

"Just imagine someone reaching into your gut and twisting and squeezing. It's also like someone's just stabbing you in the gut multiple times," they all didn't seem to like my explanation. "Oh and paired with bleeding out of your vagina for about a week and when you sneeze it get worse. You know that picture that's going around with the chick on the floor covered in blood?"

"Yeah," they all said wearily.

"That's latterly what it feels like when you sneeze," I said smiling politely and let my head bang against the table. "Go for guys then you don't have to deal with girls yelling at you for a week every twenty eight days"

"But I like girls too much," Michael complained.

"Don't come crying to me when you say something and she's on her period so she breaks up with you"

" much as I'm disgusted I'm hungry so I'm going to get food," Luke told us. "Want anything?" he asked me.

"A shotgun?"

"Very funny"

"It's no joke. Just put me out of my misery now before it gets worse...for you"

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