Chapter 40- I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket

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Choke, tried to wash you down with something strong

Dry but the taste of blood remains (of blood remains)

Cold, empty mattresses and falling stars

My, how they start to look the same

I stormed to the room and pulled a random pair of jeans off the messy floor before slipping off my pajama shorts and them on. I grabbed my phone which still had my headphone attached then walked with a quick pace down the stair and to the front door.

"Brooklyn...please just stop and listen to me," Luke pleased following behind.

"Just shut the fuck up before I do it myself," I spat and slipped on my worn out, black vans.

I swung the door opened and slammed it closed behind me as hard as I could. I put my headphones on and played King For A Day by Pierce The Veil featuring Kellin Quinn.

As Vic sang his second verse I couldn't help but relate to the lyrics.

The thing I think I love

Will surely bring me pain

Intoxication, paranoia, and a lot of fame

I walked with my hands in the pockets of the baggy jeans that I had to keep pulling up if they slid too far down. I'd picked up Luke's jeans. I let out a groan as I saw a bunch of girls walking towards me. Luckily I managed to squeeze by without them looking at me too oddly.

I saw a gas station up ahead and decided to go in and buy something with the thirty dollars I found in the jeans' pocket. I scoped the place out and decided to buy a Monster. When I reached the counter I saw the wall behind the guy was covered in safety boxes containing cigarettes.

"What are you looking at kid?" he spat handing me my change.

"I'm not entirely sure. I haven't got my animal book on me to check what species you are," I sassed back and he just grumbled a string of curses under his breath.

When I got outside I saw a women filling up her car. I looked down at the twenty bucks still in my palm and looked back up at her.

"Excuse me Miss?" I said walking towards her.

"Yes?" she smiled when she spotted me.

"I was wondering if you could so me a favor," I said then bit my lip.

"Depends on what it is"

"If I give you twenty bucks can you buy me a pack of cigarettes?"

"Why do you want 'em?" she said tilting her head to the side a little.

"To break them. Why do you think I want them?" I asked like she was an idiot. "You can keep what's left"

"Fine," she gave in and I smiled.

"Where in Australia are you from?" she asked as she finished filling up her tank.

"West Sydney," I answered.

"Money?" she asked and held out her palm.

"I'll be watching," I told her with a serious voce and hopefully look.

"Whatever kid," she said then entered the store.

I cracked open my Monster and took a few gulps as I waited. I few a few strings of hair out of my eyes and raised the can back to my lips. A minute or so later she emerged and threw me the packet, which I caught with one hand.

"Did you buy a lighter?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?" she asked and I raised an eyebrow. "Of course," she rolled her eyes and threw that to me as well, catching it with the same hands the packet was in.

We looked at each other for a while longer. We were studying each other to see who was going to make the first move to flea the.

I went to walk away, "hey kid!" I turned to face her once again. "Why do you have bandages on your arm?"

"They're to hide my self destruction from the world," I said sourly then rotated on the balls of my feet and strode off.

I took the plastic wrapping off and pulled one out. I shoved the no longer needed packet in the pocket of Luke's jeans and held the lighter up. I'd managed somehow to do all this one handed but the next part proved to be more challenging. I bent to put my can on the pavement beside me the put the cigarette in my mouth. I cupped my hand the shield the flame from the wind and lit the opposite end on fire.

I took a drag and coughed as I put the lighter in my pocket as well. I removed the cigarette from my mouth and blew out the smoke. I picked my can up and continued my walk home. I got strange looks from people walking past but I just flipped them off. I'd had two by the time I got "home", the second butt between my fingers.

Before I walked inside I stomped the butt into the sidewalk. Once I opened the front door I was attacked with hugs from all but Luke. He stood shyly on the stairs and watched.

"You smell like smoke. Why do you smell like smoke?" Calum asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged and he just put his hands on his hips with a scold on his face.

"Brooklyn," he warned.

"I need a shower," I said then pushed past the small crowd.

"Are those bandages on your arm? Does this have to do with the single towel that was in the dryer when we got home last night?" Michael asked.

"Any more questions and I'm going to lock myself in a tower for the rest of my days," I warned and they disperse in different directions.

"I really am sorry Brooklyn," Luke muttered as I passed him.

"Why don't you tell someone who cares?" I rudely comment and I saw by the expression on his face that he felt even worse.

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