Chapter 53- Yeah Boy And Doll Face

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The moment that's where I

Kill the conversation, wrap this up

With a knife that loves to feel

How do you know how deep to go before it's real?

It was starting to get dark and Luke had left a while ago to get to the arena. I hadn’t wanted to leave. Colin and Kate were telling me stories from when they were young and had shown me the few pictures they had of me. I found out they were both originally come from Pennsylvania and that they chose both Ashland’s and my names because they were on either side Pennsylvania and they were both cities in Sydney. Ashland had fallen asleep on me a while before Kate offered for me to stay for dinner.

She ended up ordering pizza while Colin showed me some stuff. Ashland had woken up at the nock on the door and was ecstatic when she found out we were having pizza. It was just a large cheese pizza. Cheese was apparently a family favorite, it being a favorite of mine as well.

“So Brooklyn. How do you know Luke?” Kate asked then took a bite of her pizza slice.

“I uh…he pulled my back from getting hit by a train,” I said, not looking at anyone.

“Why were you standing so close?”

“I uh…I was going to jump,” I answered then looked up at the pair.

“Why?” they both seemed shocked at my response.

“I was uh, I was getting bullied at school and my parents did notice, my brother treats me like dirt and I just didn’t know who I was”

“How come your parents didn’t notice?” Colin asked.

“I think they chose not to notice. I think they wanted to stay in their bubble, where the world is perfect and everyone is happy,” I was getting mad just thinking about “home”. “I wish I could just stay here”

“That would be cool,” Colin told me.

“Why are you out here anyway?” Kate inquired.

“I’m joining Luke and his band on tour. We fly home some time this week or next week”

“That sounds awesome. Has it been fun?”

“Best thing to ever happen to me”

“And what about Luke? I saw a little spark between you two,” she smiled.

“We had a spark but it’s like someone came and poured a bucket of water on it and it died out”

“What happened sweetie?” I felt something bubble in my stomach and I smiled at the name.

“His fans weren’t being very nice to me and he chose them over me. But we’re just friends now”

“That’s good. That you’re friends I mean,” Colin smiled.

“Yeah. His band mates are awesome too. It’s so much fun”

“Are you planning on going to university or anything?”

“I would like to but I don’t know what I would study. My dream job is to work in special affects makeup and stuff but I have no idea how I’d get in the biz so I might just become a teacher or something”

“There’s nothing wrong with being a teacher,” Colin said making me laugh.

“What do you teach?”

“High school geography,” he smiled proudly.

“Is your class mostly girls?” I asked.


I laughed to myself, “no reason,” I said with a cheeky smile.

“Brooklyn Louise Anderson,” he said, fake angrily.

“You just said Anderson,” I pointed out.

“Did I?”

“Yeah. You did”

“Oops. Sorry”

“I wish I could be an Anderson. That’s be the best thing ever,” I sighed.

“We wish so too Brooklyn but it just can’t happen,” Kate said as I picked at my pizza.

“Why not? I don’t want to go back. There’s nothing for me there and I’m not allowed to be someone they think I’m not. I never got to be a Disney princess or Little Red Riding Hood when I was growing up. I was deprived of my childhood from people who now only seem to notice how I feel when I try to kill myself,” I said as I felt myself become teary.

I felt something touch me and when I looked over I saw Ashland offer me a smile. I smiled back to her.

“I just…I’d prefer to be here”

“We know sweetie and we’ve waited so long for this day. But some things just aren’t meant to be”

“What about when I turn eighteen? What if I move over here? They can’t stop me then,” I suggested.

“If that’s what you want then we’d be more than happy for you to live here,” Colin told me.

“That means a lot to me”

Disasterology ✞Luke Hemmings✞Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant