Chapter 31- Rocketeer

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Where we go, we don't need roads

And where we stop nobody knows

To the stars if you really want it

Got a jetpack with your name on it

Above the clouds and the atmosphere

Say the words and we outta here

Hold my hand if you feeling scared

We're flying up, up outta here

Luke looked really uncomfortable as I dragged him into the makeup section of Target, “what are we doing here?” he complained.

“Hold out your wrist” I ordered but he looked at me like I was insane.

“How do I know you’re not still drunk?”

“Just give me your wrist Hemmings. Or do you want to have to explain the hickey on your neck to thousands of people every night when they ask?” his face dropped and held out his arm immediately, making me smirk.

“What is this for exactly?” he questioned as I squirted a little bit of foundation against his wrist.

“To cover up the marks I left on you” I answered and he tilted his head to the side slightly. “I’ll show you when we buy some”

“I hope I don’t get caught like this”

“We have to tell them sometime”

“We haven’t even been dating for a month”

“I know but still”

“We’ll tell them when we’re ready”

“Found it” I told him and he looked even more confused than a cat emerging from the dryer. “The right foundation for your skin tone. Go outside and wait for me as I buy these” I said gesturing to the two bottles of foundation.

“Why two?”

“Encase we lose one or run out”

“I still don’t get this”

“You will after I’m done with you. Now go” I said hitting his arm slightly.

He laughed and walked out as I made my way to the counter. Once I’d paid for the two, small bottles I guided Luke to a bench in front of the toilets.

“Sit” I ordered gesturing to the bench and he did as he was told.

I squirted some of the foundation onto the back of my hand and moved his head to the side for a better angle. It took me ten minutes to get it so it was just covered then took a photo to show him.

“Holy crap. You can’t even tell” he smiled.

“I’m just amazing” I said doing Harry’s cupcake face. He gave me a kiss then stood up, “I’ll be back. I need to wash my hands” I smiled then walked into the women’s bathroom.

I set my bag on the bench and pressed the pump, which ejected soap onto my hand. As I rubbed my hands together I looked into the mirror and saw a girl staring at me like I was a ghost or something.

“Can I help you?” I asked as I blushed and looked back at my hands.

“You-you’re Brooklyn” she said shakily.

“Yes I am” I smiled and hit the tap, turning it off.

“I know we’re in the bathroom and all but…can I get a photo?” she asked hopefully.

“Sure” I smiled wiping my hands on my shorts and grabbed my bag.

She held the phone above our heads and I smiled as I stood with her, “what’s your Twitter name, love?”

“I…” she looked absolutely gob-smacked.

“Type it into my notes” I told her and she nod still in shock.

“Thank you so much” she burst then hugged me.

“No problem” I smiled and gave her a wave as I walked out.

“What took you so long?” Luke groaned slipping his phone back in his pocket.

“I was doing something for a fan so shut up” I said hitting his arm lightly.

“I need to be at sound check in thirty minutes” he told me and I nod following him out.

Once we got to the arena all I could hear was screaming fan being pushed back by security.  Almost all the girls were yelling things at Luke about how they loved him and wanted him to marry them. I had to pretend it didn’t get to me but I kind of did. I know it’s stupid to let that get to me but I can get very jealous; and the screaming wasn’t helping my hang over in the slightest.

“How’s that hang over Brooke?” Mike asked.

“Please don’t call me that” I told him. “And I was alright until walking through the crowd of screaming girls” I laughed slightly.

“Is Luke made of pixie dust? Where the hell did the monstrosity go?” Ashton pouted.

“Because my girlfriend is amazing…she covered it” he said and kissed my cheek.

“Luke’s wearing makeup” I laughed.

“It’s your fault I’m in this mess”

“You let me drink” he went to say something but closed his mouth. “‘S what I thought” I said smugly and he just put all his weight on me. “I’m going to collapse,” I mumbled, my knees bending slightly.

He stood up and walked off so I flipped him of behind his back. 

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