chapter 6: I don't itinerate myself

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I slowly peel my eyes open only to close them again. why does nobody close the curtains? in every book I read, people don't close their curtains, unlike me because I know it will wake me up so I close them always! I just love sleep!

I flutter with my eyes to see a very expensive looking chandelier. where am I? I try to sit up but my head immediately spins which makes me lay down again. I need an aspirin, why on earth didn't I take those from Noah?!

ooh yeah, I don't trust that son of a bitch. why can't men just leave me the hell alone!

I try to remember the last thing that happened so I at least know where I am. I went to work then Camilla took me home and then... holy kwakamoly! Mister McCann! he kidnapped me!

I need to get out of here. slowly I try to sit up again but immediately the dizziness hits me like a truck. the whole room spins! but since that's impossible, my head spins. I look at my hand and indeed I have more than 5 fingers

it was a little punch? why does it hurt so much with this dizziness? it makes no sense. rhetorical this isn't supposed to happen.

I stand up and fall flat on the ground. okay, so my equilibrium isn't as great as I thought. jeez, how am I going to get home? SHIT CAMILA! I haven't messaged her back about anything!

what a friend am I? these days I'm not me. going to a party, getting drunk, worrying my friends, getting into a fight, being punched, insulting a multi-billionaire, fainting in front of an ass, and worrying my friends AGAIN.

this isn't good at all. before I know it the door opens and in comes greek god, the one and only Jason McCann. he looks beautiful like always. but different, his hair is messy instead of neat and he doesn't wear a suit. but I can't see the look on his face clearly enough.

for that, my head needs to be okay again.

"Morning, how's your head," he asks looking down at me with what? anger? amusement? I scowl at him before standing up again but failing miserably since I'm still not stable.

mister McCann grabs my waist holding me steady while I grab his bicep for support. damn, it's hard!

I blink a few times trying to solve all this.

"Jayden? look at me" he demands to bring his one hand to my cheek to hold me still. I look at him but see two Jason McCanns, the world doesn't need a second asshole in the world.

he frowns looking at me before making me sit on the bed again. I don't even try to fight him, what's the point if I can't even stand?

"what happened?" I ask him while looking at him but he shushes me and makes me lay down. I comply immediately. not like I have a choice but hey! who cares right?

"you still need some rest. your heads probably spinning" he says looking at me but I only close my eyes. it's very disturbing to see things twice. I swallow before licking my lips while humming.

"I need to call cam" I whisper. I don't even know why I'm whispering but it's a lot more calming then talking.

"you can call him later, I saw you had a few missed calls from a girl named Camila so I did call her and explained everything," he says softly while my eyes stay closed. good, Camila isn't too worried then. wait a minute cam is Camila?

also, he sounds kind of tense? well, I just fainted in front of him. what did I expect? I can be such a drama-queen sometimes, it's really unfair.

this needs to be the last time I make Cam worried but I already know this won't be my last time. what a friend am I?

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