chapter 2: The morning after

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Holy shit my head hurts. I nuzzle more against my pillow not wanting to let it go. what the hell happened last night? It's Sunday so I don't need to work since I already finished my work for the next 3 days. Amanda won't mind anyway she always says I work too hard. it's kinda funny cause most bosses don't say things like that. but I also know her personally, she can't fire me.

shit! I still need to go to the office because I forgot to take my binder with me last night. damn Camilla for dragging me away! I slowly peel my eyes open but immediately regret it when bright light lands on my face. why didn't I notice that before?

"you're awake" I hear a male voice making me sit op quick with wide eyes. Holy kwakkamole!

"Noah" I state shocked looking around the room for an explanation.

"what happened? where am I? why are you here?" I ask frantically looking around seeing him with only boxers on. then I look at myself and realize my pants are gone but my boxers are still on and a huge t-shirt covering my chest. my cheeks must be as red a tomato!

"calm down alright? you must have a killer headache" he says walking to me but I only back away from him. what the hell happened? this shit is supposed to happen in Vegas not here.

"take those," he says pointing next to me which makes me look at a glass of water and some pills. "it will help with the headache" Noah informs but my mind races everywhere.

"where are my clothes? where am I? what happened?" I ramble getting frustrated that I don't remember. Noah was at the party? when? I just don't know anything. which party were we? where is cam? Mary Jo? or Steve? but more important my phone?!

"Jay calm down okay? I can explain everything" he says but then my eyes land on his neck which makes me gasp loudly. It's a hickey... a hickey! and the bad thing is... there are more on his chest.

"were in one of Rickey's rooms of the house. you were drunk and alone so I brought you up here. you're safe. your clothes are on the cupboard next to the door" he explains while I try to control this whole situation. but I don't think I will, I don't remember a single thing. safe? as long as I'm near him I won't ever be safe.

"Rickey? why are we at Rickey's house?" I whisper trying to see some sense in all of this. Noah just looks at me taken back.

"Rickey held a party," Noah says looking at me worried while my eyes widen slightly.

"a party? Did I go to a party in Rickey's house? with who was I? where is my phone? what happened? why do you have hickeys? why..." I ramble but Noah pulls me in his embrace quick.

"ssh, calm down okay. It's weird you don't remember that because you weren't drunk the whole time" he says making my eyes widen again.

"I was drunk?!" I scream shocked. I don't drink or do party's or whatever cause it can interfere with my career. I'm usually responsible! not like this. damn, I feel like Camilla.

before Noah can say another word I push him of off me. I need to get out of here and fast. I stand up pulling the covers over me to cover my body. I quickly grab my clothes and disappear in the bathroom. of course, locking it.

just then Noah's voice echos through the door. "Justin, open the door. I know this is much information for you but we need to talk about last night, okay?" 

I quickly pull the clothes from last night back on before noticing I lost my neckless and jacket. where the hell are they? I do have a neckless by the clothes but it's not mine. this one is silver with a text written on it. why can't I remember? I put the neckless in my pocket before looking in the mirror noticing I have Hickey's too. and a lot!

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