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jeongin pov

last week nayeon got an abortion and we all have been kinda down since. but right now i am a little more than 8 months. i'm like 33 weeks right now. i look like a balloon that is about to pop.

"come on jeongin, it's time to go!" i heard chan say from downstairs.

"i'm coming!" i yelled back.

i slowly walked down the stairs. chan and i were driving to busan today and moving in with my sister. chan's dad was home today so that was good.

"goodbye mr.bang, i can't thank you enough for letting me stay here." i said and he pulled me into a hug. i hugged him back for a good 10 seconds before he pulled away.

"it was no problem. i enjoyed that chan and nayeon had some company when i was gone." he said with a smile.

"come here nayeon." i said looking at the girl with a darkened expression on her face.

she walked over to me and hugged me really tightly.

"don't squish me." i said and she let go.

"sorry. i'm gonna miss you, jeongin." she said and hugged me again.

"i'm gonna miss you too, nayeon." i said.

"you're like an older brother to me...i love you." she said and pulled away from the hug.

"i love you too nayeon, but i have to go now..." i said and the smile faded away from her face.

"you'll visit, right?" she asked and i nodded.

"of course i will. and the next time i see you i will have two healthy babies with me." i said.

"bye jeongin." she said.

"bye." i said and walked out the front door where chan was finishing up with packing the car.

i got into the front seat with chan sitting in the driver's seat next to me. as we pulled away chan's dad and nayeon waved at us. chan and i both waved back before chan drove to where we couldn't see them anymore.

"and we're off." chan said with a smile.

"i wish we could've taken a plane. this is going to be a long drive..." i said.

"well if you were less than 8 months then we could've but now you can't fly." chan said.

"it's not like how far along i am is my fault." i said.

"it isn't exactly mine either, we were both drunk so...it's half my fault and half yours." he said.

"i guess..........chan?" i said with a long pause in the middle.

"yes babe?" he asked.

"what are we going to name them?" i asked.

"i have one name that is definitely going to be one of them." he said.

"what is it?" i asked.

"it's my mom's name. kyung mi." he said.

"actually...i really like that name. how about this, you name one of them and i name the other?" i said.

"yeah. so i'm naming the one of them kyung mi." chan said.

"and i have two options that i just can't decide between." i said.

"what are they?" he asked.

"hyunjae and jiwoo." i said.

"i like hyunjae better." he said.

"i guess we are naming them kyung mi and hyunjae. what is going to be their last name though?" i asked.

"i mean yang sounds better but usually they would take the dads last name if we aren't married." he said.

"well...if i ever marry you i'm not changing my name. but i think you're right, we should use your last name. so they would be bang kyung mi and bang hyunjae." i said.

"yeah, i think that is good. i really like the names." he said.

we talked about random things during the 5 hour drive. we had to stop a lot of times since i had to pee like constantly and so it really took us like 6 and a half hours to get there.

"we're here." chan said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"finally. i'm so hungry." chan laughed at my sleepiness.

"i can't carry you out of the car. i can only help you up. don't you want to see your sister again anyway?" he asked trying to get me out of the car.

he held his hand out in front of me and i took it. chan used most of his strength to help me up. i gained a shit ton of weight because of these babies so it is understandable.

i slowly walked into their giant house. i was greeted at first by soojin who tried her best to hug me but was too short. then hani and her husband, his name is junhyeok, came running downstairs.

"jeongin! my god, it has been so long since i have seen you." she said happily.

"i'm so tired...but i'm glad to see you again." i said. i looked at the time and it was already 8:00.

she hugged me tightly and asked me how far i was since she forgot. i answered with 33 weeks and she was surprised.

"has it really been that long?" she asked and i just nodded.

"i need sleep." i said and she laughed.

"i'll show you where your room is. it is one of two downstairs because i know that you don't want to have to go up and down stairs all the time." she said.

"thanks." i said. she took me to a hallway with two doors on it. i was led into one of them. 

"we already set up the stuff for your babies." she said.

there was a king bed in the middle of the room against the back wall. there was a nightstand on each side of the bed. and then there was a large desk on the far side of the room. in front of the bed there were 2 doorways without doors and a door in the middle of them. the door led to our own bathroom and the doorways were to walk in closets. then on the side without the desk there were two cribs and a few toys that probably used to be soojin's.

"this is so fancy. you didn't need to do all of this for us..." i said.

"it was no problem, jeongin. you need some rest now. i'll leave you alone." she said and left the room.

i texted chan and told him to bring me my bag. i brought one bag for a few days so that i would have stuff to wear that i didn't have to unpack.

he brought it to me like 5 minutes later and i thanked him. he was also impressed by the room. i took a quick shower and changed into my pajamas. 

then i got comfortable in the bed and fell asleep not even 10 minutes later. i was going to enjoy living here for a few years...


this. is. so. long.

how did i manage to think of all of this? 

i write the plot to my stories in bullet points on sticky notes and then put them on my desk and this was not on the ones for one night at all. but somehow this chapter happened.

one night | jeongchan ☑Where stories live. Discover now