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jeongin pov

as we walked out of the clinic almost crying i saw someone from school sitting in the waiting room. it was sana, the girl that gossips about everything. i was only wearing a long sleeve shirt so you could see my small bump. she smirked at me and then ran off.

"chan. did you see that?" i asked.

"see what?" he asked.

"yoon sana. she was just sitting over there. but when i looked at her she smirked then ran off." i said.

"don't worry about her." chan said, he looked mad.

"don't do anything bad to her, chan." i said.

"i won't." he said.

we got in the car and chan asked me "what do you think we are going to have?"

"i don't really care as long as they are healthy. but i think that they are either identical girls or a girl and a boy. what do you want?" i said.

"same as you really. i don't exactly want two little boys, although i would be fine with it." he answered.

"what if they get bullied for having two dads? i got bullied for having two moms so..." i said.

"don't worry about that. i'm sure that they will be okay. and you know you never told me how your family works." he said.

"i didn't?" i asked confused.

"nope." he said.

"ok well...here goes. when i was born my parents didn't want me. i lived in an orphanage until i was 3 and then i was adopted by a lesbian couple. i lived happily with them until i was 10, but then one of them d-died from c-cancer." my voice got shaky, i hated talking about my old mother. it brought back all of the childhood memories i had with her.

"it's okay jeongin. you don't have to continue." chan said in a comforting, soft voice.

i shook my head and then said "after 5 years my mom married the guy that is now my step dad. and he had a daughter from his last marriage named hani. and that is my sister." i finally finished explaining my crazy life.

"if it makes you feel any better, i lost my mom too. 15 years ago, when i was 3 years old she died giving birth to my sister...........we're here." chan said. i hadn't even noticed that we were in my neighborhood. 

"do you want me to come in, so that i can be there when you tell them?" chan asked as i was getting out of the car.

"sure. thanks chan." i said with a small smile.

we walked into my house and hani was sitting with soojin (hani and soojin and sometimes hani's husband come every weekend btw) and my parents were eating lunch in the kitchen. 

"hey. how'd it go?" my mom asked.

"they are doing great." i said with a little smirk.

"they?!" hani yelled excitedly.

"yup. i'm having twins." i said with a smile and laughed as hani hugged me tight.

"congratulations! but, are you sure you can handle twins?" my mom asked.

"not exactly but i'm sure we can manage it. i'm not putting them up for adoption like my real parents did. i don't want them to live their lives knowing that their real parents didn't want them." i said seriously. chan put his arm around my shoulder and said "it's okay, jeongin." in that sweet calming voice again.

"well...your father and i have made a decision. i'm sorry about this jeongin." she said.

"what are you going to do to me?" i asked.

"we're kicking you out. go live with one of your friends, or chan. if you decide that you don't want the babies then you can come back and live with us. but if you keep them then i don't want you to be able to live with us and use our money." she said. i was shocked.

"wait. can i live wi-" my mom cut me off and said "go pack your stuff."

then she went with my father out of the house and they drove off. i broke down into tears. my sister gestured me to sit down on the couch. soojin asked "what's wrong?" in her cute baby voice. hani said to her "here take my phone and go play in my room." with a smile and soojin ran off with the phone.

"where the fuck am i going to go?" i asked through my tears.

"first off, don't curse in this house of god and second, we will find you a place to stay jeonginie. i'm sure one of your friends will let you stay at their house." hani said nicely trying to make me stop crying but i just couldn't.

"first my real parents leave me and now my adopted parents kick me out." i said crying even harder now.

"jeongin. look at me." chan said and i looked up at him. "i know that a lot has happened in your life. but everything is going to work out. after the babies are born i'm sure your parents will accept you again. there are lots of other people that love you just as much as them. like hani, jisung, seungmin, hyunjin, minho and me. just because your parents don't accept you doesn't mean that everyone doesn't accept you. i love you jeongin." chan said. 

for some reason it made me stop crying. he was right. there are more people that love and support me. chan sat down on the couch and kissed me softly, it was a short kiss but it had a lot of emotions in it. 

when he pulled away i said "i love you too chan." 

"if you're looking for a place to stay, you can live with me." chan said with a cute smile.

i nodded and then hani asked "are you two boyfriends?" 

i laughed and said "we have been for a month now."

"i guess i need to go pack now. i have to leave by tomorrow i bet." i said.

"ok i will come help you." hani said.

"i will too." chan said.

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