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jeongin pov

after everyone went home i finally got some sleep. but i had terrible dreams that my baby died because of me and that chan hated me so much that he left south korea and went back to australia leaving me alone and depressed.

i woke up at like 12pm because i didn't go to sleep until like 4am. i looked at my phone and had 6 missed calls from chan and like 20 messages from him. at first i was confused to why i had his number and he had mine. but i'm guessing we exchanged them when we were drunk.


chan: jeongin
chan: answer my calls
chan: wtf happened?
chan: are you okay?
chan: minho told me you were in the hospital

me: since when did you care about me?

chan: jeongin! you finally answered. you were starting to worry me.

me: why would you be worried about me?

chan: idk. i mean we aren't friends but i still don't want you to die.

me: well what happened to me i think i should tell you in person.

chan: what hospital are you at?

me: **** hospital

chan: i'm on my way

me: shouldn't you be in school? it is a tuesday, right?

chan: i don't fucking care if i'm supposed to be in school

me: well okay then

i sat there for awhile wondering why chan was suddenly so concerned for my health. but the urge to throw up broke me out of my thoughts. at least there was a trash can next to my bed since i can't leave the bed without bringing the pole with all my medications attached to it with me.

i threw up 3 times and then i felt pretty fine. i didn't have much energy but i at least didn't feel sick anymore. then i heard a knock on the door.

"come in." i said kinda loud.

"hey jeongin." chan said as he walked over to me.

i didn't even get the time to brush my teeth before he came though so i made him wait for me to brush them. i didn't want my breath to smell like puke.

"ok. so i bet your wondering why the fuck i needed to brush my teeth so bad." i said.

"yeah. so...?" he asked.

"chan...promise me you aren't going to be mad at me and ruin my life more than you and i already have." i asked kinda demanding.

"ok...i promise i guess." he said and i didn't like that he added i guess at the end but i let it slide since he is usually an asshole to me.

"i'm pregnant. it's yours, obviously." i said.

the look on chan's face was pure shock. he didn't look mad, he looked stressed. then he turned around and ran his fingers through his hair.

"i can't believe i let this happen." he mumbled barely audible.

"chan. i would say it's not your fault and i guess it kinda isn't, it is both of our faults just don't blame yourself." i said.

he turned back around. i saw one tear roll down his face but he quickly wiped it away. "i have a fucking boyfriend jeongin! now he is going to know that i cheated on him. and i'm not blaming it on myself i'm blaming this on you." he said sternly and left the room.

i started to cry. after a minute i was full on sobbing. i don't know why i expected him to be nice to me. he has bullied me for years. then a doctor came in.

"hello jeongin. judging by the fact that i saw an angry guy leave this room and you're crying i'm gonna say that didn't go well. is he your boyfriend?" the doctor asked. his name was dr.park.

"no he isn't my boyfriend. i guess i'm kinda his side chick but i hate him. he is the father though. we fucked up our lives but he is blaming it all on me! we were both drunk." i said out of anger.

"well...shit happens." (a/n: this is something my ela teacher would say. right, JisungPwarksWifeu ?)  ) dr.park said.

it made me laugh a little as i wiped my tears away. "when do i get to leave this place?" i asked him.

"tomorrow probably." he answered.

"well why are you here?" i asked.

"oh, right. i came to change your medication to less of it per hour so that your body will eventually not need it anymore." he said.

after dr.park left i called jisung and told him to bring minho too. i needed someone other than a doctor to rant to right now.

one night | jeongchan ☑Where stories live. Discover now