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jeongin pov

this is the second time in a month that i have woken up in a hospital bed. right when i woke up chan, jisung, minho, seungmin and hyunjin were sitting around me. my mom was leaning against the door.

"what happened?" i asked and sat up a little.

"felix punched you in the stomach and you were so stressed that you almost had a miscarriage but you are okay now." seungmin said.

"did they kick felix out?" i asked hopefully.

"he is suspended for 2 weeks." my mom said. 

"for almost killing someone?!" i asked kinda angrily.

"yeah. i tried to convince the school but they said that felix didn't know you were pregnant so it was an accident." my mom answered.

"wait. how long has it been since then?" i asked.

"it is 7am the next morning." hyunjin said.

"wow. i was out for a long time." i said.

"yeah. we were all really worried about you so most of us have been here all night." chan said.

"really?! well thanks to whoever stayed i guess." i said.

"it was hyunjin, minho and i that stayed actually." chan said.

"i still don't get why you suddenly worry about me after 2 years of bullying me and hating me." i  said.

"people change." chan said.

"i guess. but you changed in like a day. after you slept with me you just started to care." i said.

"well to be honest it is really because i have never fucked someone when i was drunk. and since you are only 16 i felt really bad about it. i still feel bad, especially because i fucked up your life." chan said. it was like no one else was even in the room.

"so now i know who the father is. thanks for never telling me jeongin. i am your mother you know." my mom said.

"did i really never mention that chan was the father? and also you aren't technically my mom." i said.

"no you didn't mention it. and i am your mom because i have raised you since you were 3." she said.

"wait. i'm confused." chan said and everyone in the room started laughing.

"you should be. i never explained how my family works. and i'm not going to do it right now because it will probably make me cry." i said.

just then my sister walked in the room. why was she here? she lives all the way in busan and we are in seoul.

"hani?" i said.

"you really think that i wouldn't come to see you? oh, and i brought soojin." she said and picked up her little 3 year old.

"how about we let him have some time with his family?" hyunjin suggested and all my friends and chan left the room leaving just my mom, hani, soojin and i.

"so...how are you doing?" hani asked me with a laugh.

"good i guess." i said. even though i have only known hani for a year we are actually really close. she even helped me get over my depression.

"what exactly happened?" hani asked me. soojin was just sitting on the end of my bed smiling happily during all of this.

"i was slammed into the lockers and punched in the stomach really hard by one of my bullies, lee felix. and apparently it stressed me out so much that i almost had a miscarriage." i said.

"at least you are okay." hani said.

"i have to get back to work before i am fired so you two have fun talking." my mom said.

"bye." i said and she left.

"ok. what does the father think of all of this? and who is it anyway?" hani quickly asked after mom left.

"the father is my old bully. actually he bullied me until i told him i was pregnant. when i told him he freaked out and blamed it on me and said that i fucked up his life. but then like 3 weeks ago he told me that he wanted the baby to have two parents and that he would help after he/she is born. and the father is chan. he is one of the people that was in the room." i said.

"oh. so i'm guessing he was the person i didn't recognize." she said.

"probably." i said.

"when do you get to leave?" she asked.

"later today. they said they would give me some medication that will help keep my stress levels down." i said.

"well that's good. at least you only have a 2 weeks until christmas break." she said.

"yeah. also soojin has grown up a lot since the last time i saw her." i said.

"i guess it has been awhile since you saw her." hani said.

i sat up in the bed and then soojin came over to me in the bed. she gave me a hug which i returned and i gave her a little kiss on her forehead. she was such a happy little girl. i kinda hoped that i would have a girl just because of soojin.

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