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chan pov

i felt bad for jeongin, he had a giant baby bump and people would look at him and just know. at school it was the worst, mostly because of sana and felix. but felix stopped after he got back with changbin.

i'm on my way to go visit bambam with yugyeom, he gets out of the hospital today. they wanted him to go through some hardcore therapy but he wouldn't consent to it, yugyeom didn't do it either. so he gets to come home today.

"you excited that he gets to come back home to you?" i asked yugyeom. he looked a little down, he still had a brace on his leg and crutches, but he didn't have to use them.

"i've been pretty lonely so i'm happy that i get him back." he said and sighed.

"why do you seem so down?" i asked.

"i'm just tired." he said and i immediately knew he was lying. we really got to know each other in the past 2 months that bambam has been in the hospital.

"you're lying. i can tell, you are a terrible liar." i said and laughed.

"fine. i feel bad about something that i did to bambam." he said.

"do you want to tell me about it?" i asked.

he nodded and said "i cheated on him. last night i went out and got drunk and slept with someone. i just feel bad about it now." he explained.

"i know what it's like. when i slept with jeongin i was dating a guy already and i felt really guilty about it. i told him and he said it was fine. i only broke up with him because i fell in love with jeongin." i said.

"really? he said it was okay?" he asked.

"yeah. i mean woojin was always like that. he didn't care if i cheated on him just for one night, he only cared if it was long term." i said.

"did you say woojin?" he asked.

"yeah. why?" i asked, why would yugyeom know my ex?

"he was the guy i slept with last night...i don't know why but i remember his name." he said.

"even though it has been like 4 months since i broke up with him i bet he is still heartbroken. he really loved me more than anything and i just had like a crush on him." i said.

"do you feel bad about it?" he asked.

"not really. he should be able to get over me, it's just life." i said and pulled into the hospital parking lot.

we walked into the building and yugyeom left his crutches in the car because he didn't want to use them. i knocked on bam's door and heard a 'come in' from the other side.

"hey babe." yugyeom said and walked over to bambam giving him a quick peck on his lips. 

"are you gonna tell him or not? it feels better if you do." i said.

"i was planning on telling him, chris." yugyeom said to me with a glare.

"telling me what?" bambam asked confused.

"don't be mad at me, and please don't break up with me...this is just something i feel really guilty about." yugyeom said.

"okay i won't...what is it? you're scaring me." bambam asked.

"last night...i got really drunk and i....i kinda sorta...slept with chris's ex boyfriend..." yugyeom said.

"i'm not gonna break up with you over that. but why chan's ex?" bambam asked laughing.

"you really aren't mad at me?" he asked.

"just don't do it again. i've done that before just not with chan's ex." bam said.

"you have? with who?" yugyeom asked.

"i don't know. i was drunk." bambam said and we all started laughing.

"yugyeom, you never answered the question. why my ex?" i asked.

"he was the horniest one in the club." yugyeom responded and we all laughed for awhile.

"it's time for you to finally leave." i said to bambam.

"good. this place smells weird. and i miss sleeping next to yugyeom." bam said.

"i can't imagine not being able to sleep next to jeongin for 2 months..." i said.

"it's terrible." bambam and yugyeom said at the same exact time and i laughed. they were going to last awhile.


that took me so long to write and i have writer's block now.

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