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chan pov

i left the hospital and went home. i wasn't expecting my dad to be there though. when i walked in he saw me crying and asked if i was ok. i said i was fine but he didn't believe me and made me sit down on the couch with him. i was so fucking nervous. my dad was going to disown me after this.

"what's wrong, chan?" he asked.

"if i tell you, you are going to kick me out." i said and only kind of regretted it.

"i won't." he said. i didn't believe him at all though.

"fine... i got a boy pregnant when i was drunk." i said.

my father stayed silent for awhile and then opened his mouth like he was going to say something but then just closing it again.

"was the boy at least your boyfriend, woojin?" he asked eventually. 

"no...it is a junior named jeongin. i honestly don't like him that much, i must have been really drunk. also dad...woojin tops." i said, i don't even know why i added that last part.

my dad had a look of disappointment on his face but he didn't look angry.

"i would've never thought that you of all people would get a guy pregnant when you were drunk. i just have always thought you were at least a little innocent." he said.

"nope. not at all. but what am i going to do? i fucked up my life." i said immediately regretting cursing in front of my dad.

"first of all don't use that language around me. second it is your life i don't really know what to tell you." he said.

i got up from the couch and wiped my eyes.

"thanks dad. i love you." i said and started to leave.

"no problem. i love you too." he said. 

jeongin pov

*a day later*

today i get to go home. i'm still mad at chan for just leaving me and not caring at all about his kid. i thought really hard about what i was going to do with the kid. i decided to keep it and my sister agreed to babysit and help me until i graduated. she was a stay at home mom for her daughter.

my due date is on the 4th of july, so in america that would be really cool. but here it is just a regular old day. plus...the baby will probably not be born on it's exact due date. it is also known that when a male gets pregnant there is a higher risk of complications than when a woman gets pregnant. i don't know why though.

when i got home i got to see my "dad" again. my family is really complicated so let me explain. when i was born my parents put me up for adoption and i lived in a orphanage until i was 3. then i was adopted by a lesbian couple and i lived with  both of them until i was 10, but sadly one of them passed away from cancer. since the one that was still alive was bi she married a man who is my new dad now last year. he doesn't talk much and we aren't very close. but i guess he is an okay guy. i still want to meet my real parents though, the only thing i know about them is that they were a woman and a man and their last name is yang.

my mom already told my dad that i was pregnant. at least he knew that i was gay and we didn't have to go through that whole conversation. i came out to my mom when i was 12 so she explained it to him when they started dating that year.

i was depressed for 4 years after my other mom died. i loved her like a real mother, just like i love my mom now. i know that all of this is confusing and i'm telling you my entire life story but this is just how i think all the time.

just as i was thinking a knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"come in." i said with a sigh.

my "dad" walked in and sat next to me on my bed.

"do you know what you are going to do?" he asked.

"yeah. didn't hani (a/n: hani is his sister, who is also the daughter of his "dad") tell you anything?" i asked.

"no. she didn't mention anything to me." he said.

"oh. well i'm keeping the baby and she is going to help me take care of him/her until i graduate high school." i said.

"seems like you got this pretty well panned already." he said.

"yeah i guess." i said.

a/n: this chapter is all over the place but i'm too lazy to fix it so, sorry. i just had to explain jeongin's life somehow. if you are confused about it ask questions here in an in line comment.

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