5. Felix's Dilemma (Transition Chapter)

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His lip which Jisung had kissed
so softy now felt the butterfly whispers
dripping crimson
so endlessly, feeling faint from loss.

He lost him, he's loosing red.

Three pairs of eyes only
one spilling out.
Three pairs of lips only
how many are speaking?
What's a voice and
what's a thought?

Caramel skin
no longer, purple
and blue
litters him.

"Throw him out" like litter.
They threw him out like
litter on the cold

Tears streamed down his wounds, his icy breath providing warmth to his body which was too weak to huddle close to itself as it drowned in its own pity and blood. Felix shook with every pant which parted from his disheveled lips. Blackness soon engulphed him and rested his fragile body.

He'd woke up in a state worse than he'd blacked out in, fright rushing to his veins the moment his eyes open, flooding his aching mind with flashbacks. Shuffles were heard over his sobs beside him, his head turning to peer at the source of the noise. At first, his eyes were blurry, and the figure appeared as a hallucination, but when reality struck, Felix reacted in an instant, shoving the male away and scrambling to his feet. A sharp pain lashed at his ankle and he fell back to his feet, his panic only heightening as he did all he could; yell. He begged, blamed, bashed until the hurt on Chan's face resembled a mere fraction of his own suffering.
But Chan didn't give up, he spoke softly and stayed by his side, only backing away slightly when Felix let out another yell. He snapped and pounced at the older, punching him in the same way he'd experienced first-hand so many times. He went on for a few seconds until he grew weak and fell back against the male, resorting to nothing but sobs as he finally let the man who'd never left his side comfort him.
He felt a warm jacket engulf his shoulders and a slight sway to his movements as Chan gently rocked him. He listened to everything Chan said but didn't take any of it in until he heard the older suggest they go home.
"I don't... I don't have a home to go to..." He glanced over to his tatty, black backpack. "That's all I have."

The ground beneath him soon shifted, slowly falling away from his body as Chan lifted him up after slinging the backpack over his shoulders. "You do now." He smiled adoringly at Felix. Despite the ugly scars and blood on his face, all Chan could see was a boy he wanted to protect and fix, all he could see was love.
Felix's eyes began to grow heavy, and with reassurance from Chan's gentle "Sleep, I'll take care of you.", they finally shut as darkness surrounded him while he was engulfed in Chan's arms.

I'm so sorry that you had to wait so long (99 days... I last posted a chapter on December 1st 2018) for a proper update, but I've been extremely busy with Christmas, New Year, MOCK exams and my mental health has been up and down but I'm in a good state right now. I'm glad to be back and I hope I haven't lost any loyal readers due to my inactivity. Thank you so, so much! -Kaeden aka 9RACHA

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