2. Chan's Story

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A/N: I just spent over 2 hours extending the plot of this story and creating character profiles for me to reference to. Y'all I haven't even finished Chan's Story but I have another section for him planned and another two for Felix- You don't even know how much work and time goes into this story, that's why I love you all for supporting this story so much. Also I spent £6 on BTS Lomo cards and polaroids so I'm broke again, but aye only for a day because tomorrow is my birthday! Another thing, I published two more books; The first one is a Stray Kids quote book as I can update that quite frequently so you all know I'm not dead I'm just busy; The second one is a BTS Oneshot book, however, each chapter will last a paragraph (It'll still be on my normal writing style, don't worry) so I guess they're more like plots/imagines? I'm looking forward to writing in that book though. I'm thinking of discontinuing my 'A love story Shakespeare couldn't write' but I'm not sure, I'll update it one more time and see if it gets attention, if not I'll discontinue it. Anyway you've been waiting for this chapter for way too long so here you go!
I had a really hard time writing this chapter, I couldn't focus and I didn't really know how to talk about things and describe them so it's certainly not going to be the best chapter in the book, I apologise, I'm trying hard..

"You dumb shit! I thought I told you to sell 500 grams of Heroine today, you only sold 300? How pathetic!"
"Well, Ross didn't use up all of his last load so he only needed 50 and Jiseok only bought 150 this time-"
"Enough with your shitty excuses, if they don't ask for it, bribe them, if they refuse, find another customer of beat em till they buy it!"
"How do you even call yourself human, you sick bastard?!"

An announcement interrupted his thoughts, bringing him back to reality as he noticed people beginning to leave the plane, he was free. For once in his life, he dared to smile as his tattered sneakers hit the concrete runway. He's escaped from his father and his life of drugs. Well, he'd escaped from his father. In order to financially support himself and have a chance of living, he had to continue selling drugs. However, he made sure that as soon as he bought himself a guitar he'd earn money through music instead, which after getting talent spotted, he did. By the age of 14 he was working under JYP as a trainee. Though he doubted his fame, here the boy was at 17, standing on a stage underneath a spotlight, glistening confetti pouring around him, the captivating view of an audience cheering for him reflecting from in his eyes. With a wide smile and a face full of tears, Chan took a minute to breathe, to stop and calm down, finally accepting that this was real, he made it. Chan was free But when Chan opened his eyes, the crowd was booing, his ex-girlfriend stormed onto stage after hacking into the big screens on the stage, showing the audience a photo of him selling drugs as a 14-year-old. His whole world shattered, he dropped the microphone and ran off, people in the crowd screaming horrid things at him as he fled. That was the end of his career, the end of his success. It left as soon as it'd came.

Videos of him running away and pictures of the screen showing the photo of him dealing drugs spread around the internet rapidly, even being reported on the Korean News the next day; Korea had become his new nightmare, Chan once again chose to run away from his problems, escaping back to Australia where a new Hell lay for him.

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