3. Chan's Story

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Two months creeped since Chan ran away from Korea, returning to Australia rather than facing his problems. He was cautious not to repeat his mistakes and tried to make money through playing music in the middle of town or at bars though he struggled with money. Some days he would go without food so he could afford rent, sometimes weeks. He never went out, so he had no friends, he wouldn't be able to afford to hang out with them even if he did, however, he'd noticed that one girl would always stop on her way home from school to see him perform. Seeing that girl made his day, so he decided to save up what little money he struggled for to take her on a date, it was a simple one, they only ate at a café, but it was all he was able to afford.

A nervous hand dashed through Chan's raven hair, the other clutching the ebony guitar strap dangling from his shoulder and lying around his torso, his lips struggling to part as mere stutters escaped them. His pride and masculinity burnt to ashes when his eyes met with the girl's chocolate orbs, feeling as if he was melting under her gaze. His palms were heating up, becoming sweaty with panic as he gasped for words, head darting with a million imperfect things to say. This was the girl who he'd admired from a distance for weeks, the one who'd shared shy gazes and heart-fluttering eye contact with, he couldn't just ask her on a date, she deserved special, heart-felt words, yet Chan had none, instead he stood an awkward mess. Luckily, the girl found this utterly adorable and couldn't help but giggle at his actions.

"Calm down, I'm not royalty y'know?" She smiled warmly, pushing her brunette locks out of her face. "Bang Chan, right?"
"Oh, right, yeah... Byungchan, actually... Chan is fine though." He returned the smile, eyes rushing to find anywhere to focus on besides her's, however, she gently grabbed his chin and turned his face to meet with hers, locking their eyes together.
"Oh Jiyun... I don't have a nickname." She laughed in a short, quiet tone, sending Chan's heart aflutter.
"Yunnie?- Ah, nevermind, that's really-"
"Cute. It's cute, I like it... Did you want to ask me something?"
"Ah hah... I wanted to... I... Do you..."
"Are you trying to ask me on a date?"
"Yeah..." Chan's head fell with embarrassment, his feet shuffling against the grey concrete the pair stood on.
"Then I'd love to, Channie."

The pairing went on to be the perfect couple, Chan also became financially stable due to Jiyun's father's income, the family offered to support him. The dream lasted for a good few months, but then it became a nightmare. Jiyun began to cheat and neglect Chan, whenever he tried to confront her about it, she'd beat him. After a while the beatings became frequent, the relationship turned toxic and Chan had no way out; He was trapped in a hell he used to call Heaven, where love is hate and kisses are punches. Chan was back at the start; Trapped, alone, hurting... Numb.

Stars Under Spotlights (ChanLix)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant