2. Chan's Coping Mechanism

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Pounding head... No, really this time... God he drank a lot. Alcohol, that is. He didn't make it to that liquid, he was too wasted. He passed out, as of the world saved his life. But it didn't let him go free handed; Guilt screamed at him, suffocating his veins and burning him from the inside.

Eyes opening to harsh rays of run bursting through the glass panes of his bathroom, burning his eyes as they bounced off the pearly tiles lining the walls. Chan rubbed the pained orbs as he slowly sat up, with a groggy groan escaping his pouting lips. He had to peer around at first, taking a few seconds to acknowledge where he actually was, but memories soon flooded back in when he spotted the bottle of bleach lay carelessly beside him, spilled over the floor; it'd been dropped, and it'd caught him, but luckily only on his foot which had been covered by leather shoes, though his ankle hadn't been saved. Wincing in pain, he examined his pained ankle. He was lucky the bleach was low on chemicals since acid could make him weak very quickly. It'd heal with time.

His mind happened to space out temporarily until of course the realisation of what he actually almost did last night came crashing back. "I- I really almost... did that? Chan you idiot how would Felix feel- Oh... How... How would he feel?" Chan let tears slip down his face once more, unable to stop them. "I can't believe I... Shit I hate myself."

Stars Under Spotlights (ChanLix)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें