Don't Die

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It's crazy how cereal is like, the universal meal for breakfast. Everyone knows that it's a breakfast food. Yeah, you might eat it in a cup late at night sometimes but usually, you have it for breakfast.

And that's what is happening now. Dave and Karkat, eating cereal for breakfast at a table. Sitting in a comfortable silence our two sweet children (not very secretly) held hands.  Anyone who walked by could obviously see the two hand-holding under the table. 

Every so often one would look over at the other and just admire their 'being'. Them being them. The way the light hit their hair and made it shine. The way tilted their head before taking a bit of their breakfast as if they were examining their food to make sure it was perfect before consumption.

Sometimes one would catch the other staring and they're both look away blushing furiously. 

It was really fucking cute.

But all too soon the silence was shattered by the sound of someone choking. Dave watches as Karkat coughs and splutters.

"Dude are you okay?" Dave asks curiously with a hint of concern in his voice.

"OH, YOU KNOW I'M *wheeze* FUCKING FINE *splutter* JUST CHOKING ON MY CEREAL LIKE A-" before Karkat can finish another wave of coughs wracks his frame as his body tries to dislodge the piece of cereal stuck in his throat. He smacks the table in frustration before hitting his chest a few times. It was really quite dramatic

"Jeez Karkles, don't die on me."

KarKat looked over at Dave, giving him a rude humanly gesture that involves the middle finger and splutters out, "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, *cough* I'LL DIE WHENEVER THE HELL I WANT!"

Eventually, Karkat swallows the piece of cereal and breaths a sigh of relief.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP ME?!?!" Karkat screams while pointing an accusatory finger at Dave. 


Dave smirks and rolls his eyes behind his shades.

"I don't know dude, you looked like you had it all under control, and besides-" He waves his spoon lazily around - " like you said, you die whenever the, and I quote, "hell you want." So I guess you were all right."

Dave places his spoon back in his bowl and takes it over the sink, Karkat following angrily behind him.


Dave dumps the bowl into the sink and turns around smirking directly at the angry little troll and says, "I already did."

Karkat goes quite at the sudden steamy memory. A deep blush creeping up his neck and onto his cheeks

"And-" Dave continues "I did it real good!" And with that, he crosses his arms and leans against the sink with an aura of nonchalance about him. 

"You did..." Karkat mumbles

Then he stands on his toes giving Dave a little peck on the lips. Let's go watch some romcoms.

a.n okay another update my pretties! Here you go enjoy!

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