Slow Dance With You

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KarKats POV

It was late at night and everyone on the meteor had mostly gone to bed. Except for me, I was still awake because I was currently re-reading one of my old romance books and once I started I couldn't stop. The plot was amazing and the quadrant relationships were spectacular! I couldn't believe I ever stopped reading them. I was shut up in my room with only a little lamp spilling weak yellow light everywhere as a faint cool breeze fluttered through an open window.

My favourite part was coming up. I've read it about a hundred times but everything about it was perfect. It was the scene where the girl troll finally told her red feelings to the highblood she had so helplessly fallen horn over heels for. He then returns her flushed feelings in the form a matespritship which she agrees to before he sweeps her up in his arms and they dance romantically to orchestral music.

I sigh as I close the book, content with the idea of getting some sleep. As I crawl into the human bed (which is surprisingly quite comfortable) I was just about to close my eyes when my ears pick up the soft sound of music.

Music? At this time of the night? No one should be up, I'm sure everyone went to bed already. With curiosity tugging to strongly at my mind I hopped out of the bed and quietly followed the sound of the music. I soon realized what song was playing. It was 'The way you look tonight' by Frank Sinatra, it's slow melody pulled me in as I caught some of the lyrics.

"Someday, when I'm awfully low when the world is cold I will feel a glow just thinking of you and the way you look tonight"  

I inched closer and closer to the music and peeked my head around the corner.

At first, I didn't see anyone, but then, sitting dismally in the almost darkness in the weak excuse for a kitchen, was a blond, shade wearing douche, wrapped up in his God Tier cape.


It was Dave.

I was surprised. I didn't expect to see him out here.

 "Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm, and your cheeks so soft. There is nothing for me but to love you and the way you look tonight."

He was swaying along to the lyrics humming softly under his breath. Sometimes he'd sing along but instead of the smooth lighthearted way it was originally sung, he sounded heartbroken and mournful. It made my heart hurt to hear him sing like that. Looking so.....just so sad.

I walked out from behind the corner and shuffled over behind him and tapping him on the shoulder.

"ARE YOU OKAY?" I asked

Dave jumps about 5 feet in the air and lets out a yelp of surprise.

"K-KarKat, what are you doing? Why are you up this late? All the other went to bed ages ago, shouldn't be up." he mumbled while looking at the floor.

"WELL, I'M UP ANYWAY, SO WHY ARE YOU UP FUCKASS?" I asked while struggling to push myself up onto the bench with him.

He looked away from me wiping his hand under his shades. He let out a small sniffle and whispered. "I can't sleep, just....wanted some alone time I guess. I don't know."

 "With each word your tenderness grows, tearin' my fear apart and that laugh, wrinkles your  nose touches my foolish heart..."

The song continues to play softly in the background as I reach out to take his hand in mine giving it a gentle squeeze.


His hand grip tightened around mine. "No, it's okay. I like your company. Stay."

My heart was fluttering a million times in my chest and a warm fuzzy feeling made its way from my stomach up into my cheeks. I was sure I was blushing like crazy. Dave saw and his good old smirk appeared on his face as he reaches over to turn up the music a bit and hops down from the bench. Never letting go of my hand.

"WHAT-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I stuttered as he wrapped his hands lightly around my waist bringing him down next to him. He then proceeds to pull me closer until my face is mear inches away from his chest. I blush harder.

A chuckle makes its way to my ears as I look up at Dave.

 "Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm, and your cheeks so soft. There is nothing for me but to love you, and the way you look tonight..."  

We start to sway in time to the music and I rest my head on his chest. I hear his heartbeat and I smirk. It's beating quite fast.

"NERVOUS STRIDER?" I ask amused.

"Well, I am dancing with the prettiest troll I know."

That was smooth. That was so fucking smooth. I wasn't expecting that answer as I groaned in embarrassment and hid my forever growing blush into his shirt. He laughed while hugging me closer.

"Also," Dave said while spinning me around before I returned back into his embrace. "Nice pyjamas. Did I ever tell you crabs look so good on you?"

Oh my Gog! Will he ever stop embarrassing me!??! It was true though. I was in my Pj's. I had a     t-shirt on that was 2 sizes too big and slipped off my left shoulder and some fluffy pants with little crabs on them.

I gave a short gruff and looked away.

"WILL YOU STOP MAKING ME A FLUSTERED MESS?" I yelled. Why does he do this to me? He always does something like this right out of the blue! We'll be watching a rom-com and he'll say something that'll turn me into a red tomato, or I'll be getting a drink of water he'll come up behind me and whisper something outlandish into my ear, making me spit out the water as he laughed evilly and walks away! I mean, WHY!?!?!

"Oh who am I kidding," He sighs, "you look good in just about anything. Why are you so perfect?"


"Come here KitKat, you're redder than a volcano." Dave laughs and pulls me over the couch. We sit down shoulders and thighs touching as he wraps me up in his cape. I really like being in his cape (I'll never admit it to him) it made me feel safe and warm and it smelled like him. And my that I mean apples. It's smelled like apples and a faint touch of some sort of cologne.

I rest my head on his shoulder and he pulls me tight into his arms and runs his fingers through my curly unbrushed hair. A low purr vibrates in my throat. Usually, I would be embarrassed about him hearing such a thing but right now I was too tired to worry.

I liked this. Just this. Him and Me. A comfy couch and a warm cape. I hope......I hope we can stay like this forever.

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