Am I Not Enough?

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a.n WARNING! Mentions of suicide, cutting and depression!! If any of this is TRIGGERING to you, you don't have to read! Look after yourselves okay and have a lovely day or night! (or whatever time you guys are reading this trash hehe) Also, this is set on the meteor as well.

Love Ya's!


Everyone goose through a phase of depression at some point in their lives. But for Dave Strider, he's had it for as long as he could remember. He would never admit this, but being happy was really hard for him. Sure he acted like he was happy and fine, but as I said, it was all an act, a show he put on for others so they wouldn't have to worry about him.

But it's not like that mattered anyway, no one cared for him, not really. Or at least that's what Bro told him. 

Every time he lost a strife to Bro, he was always reminded that no one cared and no one would ever care. He was nothing, a nobody, just some useless boy who couldn't even win one measly little strife.

But Bro was dead now. He shouldn't have to worry about him. Shouldn't be having these thoughts. Dave shook his head trying to get rid of the sadness starting to clog up his brain. He could feel the loneliness starting to seep into his body. The way his shoulders slumped and this sick feeling that crawled it's way into his stomach and stayed there.

Dave was going bad again, he knew it. And he hated it because he'd been doing so well lately. Hadn't relapsed in a while. But now, now his wrists were burning, itching for a blade to slice them open.

No no no! he thought. I can't, I can't go back! I won't do it! I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay!

But he wasn't, and soon he gave up and went in search for something sharp to satisfy the growing need to do what he always did to feel better. Bleed. He needed to bleed.

Clutching his head and stumbling into the kitchen and wildly searched through the draws for a knife or anything that could he could use.

Finally, he settled on a little piece of glass that had been sitting in the last draw. It must have broken off something like a vase or a cup. Whatever, just as long as it did what he needed it to do.

Dave grabbed it and turned quickly to his wrists. He did two cuts on his left and one deep slice to his right. The pain soon subsided and relief started flooding in. But Dave knew one thing for sure. He couldn't ket anyone know about this.

A few days passed and KarKat noticed that Dave had been acting strange lately. He'd been distant and keeping to himself. Which was odd because Dave would usually always come to annoy KarKat or pester him for the two to spend time together.

But now whenever they ran into each other Dave would always make an excuse that he was too busy to hang out and then walk away leaving KarKat all alone.

But he wouldn't let that stop him. He would find out what's going on with Dave no matter what.

KarKat started watching Dave very closely and hardly leaving his side no matter how much the blond protested. This went on for two days until KarKat finally found out was going on.

It was like any other boring day on the meteor and Karkles had been watching romcoms when he spotted Dave hurrying away somewhere. He was slightly hunching over and clutching something to his chest.

KarKat quickly got up and followed him, making sure to not get spotted.

Dave ended up walking into an old abandoned part of the meteor where none the trolls really go because there was nothing to do there. Just a few bits of furniture littered around the place and that was basically it.

He found Dave sitting on the floor and softly crying.

A piece of glass had been discarded and red blood covered it and the floor.

But what happened next was something KarKat would never forget for as long as he lived.

To Be Continued....

a.n Sorry guys if any of it was TRIGGERING. There is a next part to the story so stay tuned.

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