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Daves Pov

It was another boring day on the meteor. Rose and Kanaya were off talking about new dress designs and who knows what while Terezi and Vriska where doing some crime-solving thing that looked kinda fun I guess but when I asked if they needed a third partner in crime I was swiftly assured that two is just as good as three and they went on their way leaving me on my lonesome.

By this point, I would hassle KarKat but surprisingly I couldn't find him anywhere. No matter how hard I tried, I could not locate my Karkles. I checked all the usual spots like the couch, in the kitchen. Even our bedroom. He was nowhere.

By now I was getting quite worried and had asked Rose and her girlfriend if they had seen him, but they had only shaken their heads no and told me they would keep an eye, and an ear, out for the noisy troll.

It's been over 3 hours now and I'm frantic where the hell could he be???? Why arent' the others as worried as I am? Okay maybe I am being a bit of an overprotective mother but at this point, I don't care.

"KARKAT!" I yelled, calling his name for the what has to b the 20th time today.

"WHERE ARE YOUUUUUU???" Still, nothing. 

But then I heard a THUMP from one of the spare rooms followed by a quick curse word and my whole body relaxed in relief. I had found my KarKittin.

"There you are! I've been looking for you all day!" Started by my sudden appearance, KarKat gave a slight jolt and looked up from the book that he had been reading.

"WELL, NOW YOU'VE FOUND ME CONGRATULATIONS ASSWIPE." He muttered while turning to the next page of his book.

I sighed and plopped myself down next to him and looked over his shoulder. I couldn't read a word of what the novel was talking about as it was in Alternian and soon gave up and decided to rest my head on his shoulder.  The sound of his rhythmic breathing and the slow turning of pages almost lulled me to sleep if KarKat hadn't spoken. 

I'm not quite sure what he had said as I was half asleep but I did see his lips move as he looked down at me. I smiled. He was so beautiful. With his soft curly hair, smooth pale skin, shiny red lips....hang on, shiny red lips? That's not right, My Karkles as pale pink lips, trust me I know, i've kissed them so many times that their colour is imprinted into my mind.

"Dude what's up with your lips, they look different," I asked while reaching out to touch them.

He quickly jerked away from my hand and yelled, "IM WEARING CHAPSTICK DICKWIPE DON'T TOUCH IT OUR YOU'LL RUB IT OFF!"

I was taken back, a bit surprised. Since when did KarKat wear chapstick? Turning my full attention onto him I asked: "Since when do you wear chapstick?"

"SINCE NOW," he looked away from me and at the ground with a soft pink blush on his cheeks. "IS THAT A PROBLEM WITH YOU?"

"No of course not," I stated. "In fact, it looks quite nice on you." I winked.

His blush turned from a soft pink to a deep red, matching the shade of chapstick on his oh so kissable lips.

Smirking I said, "what flavour?"

KarKat looked at me in confusion. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT FLAVOUR?"

I chuckled and asked what flavour was the chapstick.


"Can I try it?"

He then digs into his pocket to retrieve the little bottle of chapstick and starts to hand it out towards me when I swoop down and put my lips on his. KarKats whole body stiffens in surprise as I run my tongue across his bottom lip and pull back.

"Holy shit it does taste like cherry!" I exclaim. I could still taste the flavour lingering in my mouth like a gentle aftertaste. 

I glance over at my little Kit-Kat and almost laugh at the expression on his face. It is one of shock, confusion yet I could see a small smile twitching at the corner of his mouth.

"Note to self," he mumbled, "Always wear cherry chapstick."

And then I actually did burst out laughing. 

a.n THERE! I UPDATED!!! sorry if there are any spelling mistakes I'm too lazy to check. Have a great day and thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Tally ho!

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