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"Wait, Minju!"Chaeyeon trying to stop her.

Chaeyeon is about to stand up, but Sakura doesn't do anything to stop her.

Chaeyeon turn back.

"Sakura, im sorry, i still confuse with my feeling, i can't answer it now."chaeyeon proceed to run outside.

Chaeyeon run, she is now worry about Minju, she feel bad that she couldn't notice their feelings toward her, she look at them as bestfriends, but, after that confusing talk, she can't look them same as before.

She feel strange, she feel she must decide, she must feel it.

Who's she gonna choose.

"I must talk and explain to Minju. Where's she now?"it was all she think.

Chaeyeon rush to the group of students, ask if they see Minju.

One of them say that she walk to the rooftop.

Chaeyeon run fast, not worry to get weird look from everyone, until......

'Brugh' Chaeyeon bump into someone, the person yelled, "Hey, watch out your......"she couldn't finish her sentence that she realize who's bump into her.

"Chaeyeon? Why is she look panic?"the person wonder.

"Sorry , im in hurry."chaeyeon apologized and back to run to the rooftop.

The person decide to follow her. And yeah, she was the bully.

Chaeyeon run, trying to catch her breathe that almost run out because run nonstop.

Then, she walk the stairs, it's pretty high, but, she doesn't stop.

She must find Minju before late.

Finally, she arrive, panting, and sweat all over her body.

The sight surprise her.

There Minju is, at the edge of the roof, looking down, sigh heavily, her legs shaky, her eyes full of tears, she is about to jump.

"Finally, im over."minju closed her eyes, step forward.

"Minju!"chaeyeon run over at the right time, she pull her back, hug her tightly on the ground as they fall.

Chaeyeon's breathe are still not stable.

They froze, no word out.

Chaeyeon feel relieve, she can save Minju.

Minju cry on her hug.

"Why are you here, unnie?"minju said within her sob.

"Im here for you."chaeyeon rub Minju's hair, still on the ground.

"You love Sakura unnie, right? I don't want to be a barrier for you two, she also my friend."minju said.

Chaeyeon lead Minju to stand up.

Chaeyeon cup Minju's face. "I haven't make desicion for my feeling, yet."she said with soft voice.

"I can't answer you two, now. But, i want to make it clear and fair." she hold Minju's chin up, facing her.

They just staring each other for a moment.

"You are so pretty and kind, Minju, and so does Sakura. I don't want to hurt any of you." Chaeyeon lean in, tilt her head, she kiss Minju softly, going deeper.

Minju don't expect that happening, she just respond with kissing back.

After some minutes, they pull back, catching air.

"That's make it fair. Just give me time, i can't answer now. I hope you understand."chaeyeon pull Minju into long yet warm hug.

"Ok."minju answered just with single word but her heart can't stop beating fast, she feel she can explode anytime, but she manage to control it, just to make it fair with Sakura, she can't take advantage of this moment.

They release their hug, stare at each other.

"Just, don't do that again. Let's get back."chaeyeon caressed her cheeks and walk her down.

Unfotunely, that's not just them there.

It was Sakura and the bully watch them with curiosity in their mind.

They watch on different place that they can't see each other.

Sakura, saw them, her heart aching yet excited.

Aching because they watch them kissing and hugging each other, yet excited because Chaeyeon isn't going to cofessing to Minju, but give Minju same answer with her, she still has chance.

"Im not going to surrender now, Chaeyeon."she said in her deepest heart.

At the other side, the bully take this as an advantage, to destroy Minju, to make the whole school her enemies.

She takes many photos as many as she can when Chaeyeon and Minju kissing, hugging, and holding hand.

She smirks.

"It's revenge time, Kim Minju."she thought.

Minju and Chaeyeon walk down the stairs, Sakura already down when she hear their steps toward her, she hurriedly run and go back to their friends that already finished the tent.

Minju see Sakura stand on the corner.

She manage to approach.

"Chaeyeon unnie, i will talk to Sakura unnie."minju excused herself.

"They can solve this. I must trust them."chaeyeon thought, she nodded.

"Sakura unnie, can we talk?"minju tap her shoulder, getting the girl attention.

That's it
I love you
She loves you, too

I think today will be last update for this two month because i still have many exams to do, i will update again on the end of April or if i have some spare time after study.

Wish me luck!

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