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Saturday, 20 Desember, D-2, 9 a.m

"Let's go shopping!"yujin said loudly.

"Yeaaaay."yena yelled make the hallway is full with disturbed students.

"Shhhhhhh"the tablemates friends hissed at them.

They stop talking.

"Let's go everyone."said Eunbi who is the oldest of them.

They walk along the road to catch the bus to Cheongdam Mall.

The road is full filled with busy people.

Suddenly, Chaeyeon realize that they walk with Sakura, she is famous and it's dangerous for her to walk without guards.

"Sakura, is it okay for you to be in crowds without guards?"she asked.

"Oh, i forget it! But it's okay, i bring my....mask!? Where is it? Am i forget to bring it?"she panicked.

"What's the problem?"nako and hitomi asked.

"I forget to bring my mask."she answered.

"Why you have to bring it?"yena asked.

"You don't know?"yujin and minju join.

"She is Miyawaki Sakura, yena-yah."yuri reminded her.

"The most famous model."said Chaewon.

"In Japan."wonyoung added.

"Oh, i don't know it."said yena.

"Have you ever watch tv?"said eunbi.

They laughed.

While the other teased Yena,

Chaeyeon and Minju as Sakura's roommate help Sakura to search her mask.

"We should buy you a mask at Cheongdam."chaeyeon suggested.

"Alright."said Sakura.

At bus

They are about take their seats, but there are only 9 seats left, so the three of them have to stand.

Chaeyeon volunterred to stand, followed by Minju, and they surprised by the next volunterred, it is Sakura!

The bus go along the streets.

But, in the world, there are not only good people exist.

Two collages boys around their age standing behind them.

They look at lower body of Sakura and Minju who wearing short jeans.

The nine that have seats know that, but they can't reach them because the crowds block them.

But they accidently have the same thought : Chaeyeon wears jacket and she stands near them so she can lend them her jacket, but the jacket is only one, "Who will she pick, SAKURA or MINJU?"

At that time, Minju and Sakura who also know what's the boys do feeling uneasy, who's Chaeyeon pick?

And the other side, when the others think, Chaeyeon has briliant idea.

Then, she makes her move.

First, she takes off her jacket, she walks slowly pass Minju to Sakura's spot.

They all shock, also Sakura and Minju.

Minju feels sad.

"Saku-chan wear this."chaeyeon tied her jacket around Sakura hip.

IZONE COMPLICATED SHIP (CHAEKURA)Where stories live. Discover now