Act III: Hiromi and Toushirou.

Start from the beginning

"Hiromi... I am so sorry, this is all my fault" Tatsuya apologized, hugging the bouquet tightly.

"There's nothing to apologize, you did not kill me Tatsuya. Or would you fault a kid who asked their parents to pick him up early from a birthday, which lead to a car accident? Or a mother who sent their son to do the groceries in a supermarket which ended up being a place for a shooting?" I tried to reason with him.

"You haven't changed at all, still the same smart ass" he chuckled, the mood lightening up slightly "I am sorry for how things ended up... I still loved you then"

"And so did I" I replied "But it seems that we both moved on in our own ways" I continued pointing at Rose's wedding ring, the one Tatsuya once promised to give me when we grew up- a family heirloom.

"A-are you angry?" Rose stuttered, like she used to when we were young.

"Angry? Why would I be angry that my best friend and ex-boyfriend moved on and found happiness in each other's arms?/ If anything I am relieved, I could not think of a better partner to take care of you guys" I assured them, happy to have finally lessened their guilt "How are your parents Rose?"

"They are good. They visit you every year and have a picture of yours hang in our house" she confessed, smiling sadly that there was a picture for mourning at all. But rapidly cheered up "What about you how is the afterlife?"

"You know I can't answer that... but I can tell you that I finally opened that cafe I always wanted to and it's all a success" I announced, receiving happy proud congratulations from them "Why don't you tell me about yourselves? Tatsuya did you finally became a lawyer like you've dreamed of? And you Rose, did you became an amazing teacher like I've always knew you've became?"

"We did! You still remember that?" Rose asked, blushing happily.

"Of course I do! They are the dreams of my precious Tatsuya and Rose!" I exclaimed, slightly hurt that she would think otherwise.

They both laughed, Tatsuya looked at me fondly and said: "Even dead you can make us happy... will you go away again?"

The mood getting gloomy once again.

"Way to drop the mood" I commented sarcastically, trying to mask my own pain "I have to. I no longer belong to this world... but I wanted to at least say goodbye properly this time and assure you that there's nothing you guys should be feeling guilty about. I am happy and want you to be happy too"

"We will be" Tatsuya assured me "It took us a lot of time but we were finally able to move on but never forget, we helped each other and ended up falling in love. But I need to assure you that you are and will always be one of our most important persons in our life. We have your picture in our apartment too and our daughter will be named Hiromi after you!"

"Daughter?" I gasped, tears finally falling down. I looked at Rose's stomach and finally noticed the small bump "Oh, guys! I am so happy for you! And honored!" more tears fell.

"Why are you crying Hiromi-chan?" Rose asked worriedly.

"I just feel so happy for you and very touched that you would name her after me... but also sad, we always did promise that we would be each other's children's godmothers" I confessed "Now I cannot fulfill my promise"

"Nonsense, you will always be her godmother" Rose replied firmly.

"She is right, we know that you will always look out for her wherever you are. Even if we can't see you" Tatsuya said, smile on his face.

"Guys... I will be there! I will make sure the baby comes to this world safe and sound and will be there when she is born... even if you no longer can see me" I assured them.

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