Not so Docile

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Watching her walk away, Ci Hang knew there was something on his mind, by the way Di Jun watched the baby rather than her leave.  So saying nothing until he was positive she was out of hearing range, he quickly moved to stand beside him.

"So?" he asked looking straight up at him.

"What is the childs temperament?" he asked in reply.

"For the most part, calm.  Perhaps a little too calm.  He rarely cries and when he does, the anger in him is exceptionally strong.  He does not like to see his mother upset, and normally this is what will make him cry.  He also does not like an anxious atmosphere which this child can read already." he replied.

"That is not what is bothering though." Di Jun said looking back at him.

"No it is not.  The child is far too knowing.  Too aware of his surroundings and far too placid.  He was even born silent.  This is not normal, in fact I would go so far as to say, this child is not normal."

"And you would be correct.  He is not.  Because he has unfortunately taken on some of the power source and unfortunately, it cannot be removed.  However, how it will affect him later in life is not known because as you are aware, there is no such precedence for this kind of magic."

 So he is in effect a Darklander?" Ci Hang asked in astonishment, because that was not what he had seen in the child, but it was what he understood Di Jun to be saying.

"No.  He is not a Darklander, however the energy he had swirling inside of him, has attached itself to his core, which he would no doubt have gained at conception.  That canopy is the root cause because it was attached to their bed."

"So if he is not of the Darklands, then what exactly is he." Ci Hang asked not understanding where he was going with it.

"He is an Immortal child of the Celestial Tribe.  His mother is still an Immortal, only her essence has been sealed, so therefore the child is one of us.  However, the energy within the power source is accumulated cultivation from many sources, including his parents.  Therefore he has far more cultivation than most babies in fact, more than most Immortal men." he replied with a small grin.

Understanding what he now meant, Ci Hangs eyes were almost popping at this revelation.  But as he began to focus on what that might mean for the child, something Di Jun had said instantly had him turning on him.

"You said the power source holds cultivation from many sources, including Ye Hua, are you saying he is far weaker than before he met her?" he asked.

"Yes he is, but he does have an energy source that cannot be taken from him, one that he was born with and one you are already aware of.  What he is lost, is cultivated energy from his years of growth, so I'm not too concerned about it." he replied.

Nodding his head, Ci Hangs mind moved to that source of energy that Ye Hua had learned to keep under control and hidden least it be taken from him, one that they all knew did not belong to his parents, or people he suspected were not his true parents.

But he did not mention that, because he was positive that Di Jun was also aware of it.  Only now, it seemed as if they had a child that needed their protection even more than his parents did.

"Alright, I understand what you've said, so where to from here?" Ci Hang asked with a look of excitement in his own eyes.


"Su Su, I know you are undergoing changes that you cannot control, but Di Jun is the Immortal Worlds most revered God.  He is the oldest of us all, and the one who once ruled over every Immortal Realm and Mortal Realm long before I was even a thought.  He is revered and respected everywhere he goes, so I want you to apologize because he does not deserve to be spoken to in that manner whether you were in control of yourself or not." Ye Huas harsh tone berated her firmly regardless of the tears and flushed cheeks that were looking back at him.

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