Raw || Mafia AU x 4

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"I was actually hired in a hospital. And it was alright. I got a call from Namjoon, not knowing it was him. I answered and he was on this tangent about how he was in desperate need of help and he heard that I was a doctor in his area. I told him where I was and that's when I met Jimin." Darling has now looked interested in the backstory, Hoseok was happy knowing that sharing something he didn't very often was making her feel better.

"I fixed up Jimin and Namjoon asked me if I wanted to join him. I heard of the Kim's having a new leader, but I never knew it was Namjoon the whole time. He said that he'd pay me good money, which was something I never really wanted. I didn't know how to break it to my parents, but Namjoon said he could handle it." Hoseok finished.

"It's going to be my 2nd year anniversary at the hospital." He joked as Darling cracked a genuine smile.


"Mr. Jung, you have a phone call on Line 5." A nurse told as she spotted him near the large secretary desks of the 3rd floor.

"Thank you." He told with a smile. He cracked his knuckles and prepared for the call.

"Hello this is-"

"HOSEOK!" Hoseok pulled the phone away from his ear, his ear starting to ring as he switched the phone from his right to his left.

"Who is this?" Hoseok asked, he grabbed a pen and balanced it between his thumb and pointer finger.

"THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, YOURE AT THE HOSPITAL RIGHT?!" The voice sounded  familiar to him.


"Yes it's me! I'm almost there! Heading towards the back. I need your help please!" He sounded frantic.

"Sure, uh, yeah ok. I'll meet you there." Hoseok said as he hung up and quickly went down the stairs. He grabbed a gurney and quickly went to the back door and slammed it open. Many thoughts and questions were running through his mind as a black van sped its way to the door. The van stopped as the back doors opened, Hoseok saw a disheveled Namjoon, covered in blood, but Hoseok knew that it wasn't his.

"Thank you." Namjoon said as Hoseok nodded and rolled the gurney to the van as some other men slid a man with faint orange hair onto the gurney, covered in blood, bruises, and slash marks.

"What's his blood type?" Hoseok asked as he pulled and walk next to the gurney as Namjoon tried to sort through his mind, finding the answer.

"A." Namjoon finally told as Hoseok nodded, he brought his fingers to the man's wrist feeling for a pulse. Grabbing his stethoscope and putting it on the man's chest to check for a heart beat. Hearing something faint.

"Dr. Jung?!" A nurse yelled out as Hoseok looked up, Sana, his personal nurse, and sort of assistant.

"Sana! This is an emergency, get a room open stat!" Hoseok yelled as she nodded, she quickly ran to an open surgery room and Hoseok busted through.

"Name of Patient?" Hoseok asked.

"Park Jimin." Namjoon told. Another nurse stopped Namjoon and the other men that followed behind as they were pushed out the room.

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