Kik 28

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Private Conversation: DildonMonth, WhatsaBeebo, RyanfromTrolls

DildonMonths: Guys...

RyanfromTrolls: What's up?

DildonMonths: Hayley, says that we should just be friends.

WhatsaBeebo: Dallon...

RyanfromTrolls: Are you okay?

DildonMonths: No.

DildonMonths: She's cuddling up with Jessie.

WhatsaBeebo: Come outside. Don't mind Pete, he's most likely jacking off in the bushes

DildonMonths: O-okay


Group chat: Girlsrock💖

💛YelyaH💛: Girls, I did it.

Jessyee💙Paege: Did he react weird?

💛yelyaH💛: Not rwally. He wasn't crying or anything, just upset.

💛yelyaH💛: He leaving the treehouse as we type.

SarahSmiles💟: He's leaving?

Eva🖤: Hayley... he didn't deserve that

💛yelyaH💛: I just didn't feel the connection. I told him that we could still be friends.

Halsey💜: Hayley, what did you do?

💛yelyaH💛: I broke it off with Dallon

Halsey💜: Hayley...

💛yelyaH💛: I wasn't as into it as I was before.

Halsey💜: Mel is going to be devastated.

SarahSmiles💟: Someone should go talk to him

FeeltheBreeze💗: He's already talking to Ryan and Brendon.

Eva🖤: I'm gonna talk to Frank now. He seems lonely. Bye everyone.

Really short, I know. I will make the irl part for how they broke up in the next chapter.

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