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Tyler Joseph stood outside with Josh. He was still recovering from the bench toppling over on him. Josh was hugging him from behind, because he had felt that Tyler needed comfort. After what had happened to him, Josh was scared of Tyler getting hurt again.

Brendon and Ryan ran into the woods, after saying hello to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. They had found the tree Tyler was telling them about. They walked through the forest and found them standing there, Josh's arms around Tyler. They were leaning in to kiss each other when Brendon interrupted them.

"Hey, fuckers. What's going on?" Brendon greeted as he and Ryan approached them.

Tyler had jumped, cause his head to hit Josh's jaw. "OW, FUCK!" Josh swore.

"What the fuck, Brendon?" Ryan push him lightly.

"Sorry, but it's not my fault you guys were so close to each other." Brendon apologised.

"I am so sorry, Josh. Are you okay?" Tyler quickly turned around to face his boyfriend.

Josh rubbed his chin, smiling a little. "I'm fine, Tyler. Ow, God dang it!"

Tyler sat him down on the wooden bench from before. This time it was set on the ground and not on someone's chest.

Melanie and Ashley had just arrived to Tyler house when they saw Josh holding an ice pack to his face. They rushed over to find out what happened.

Tyler immediately put the blame on Brendon, who was sitting in the entrance to the tree house. Ryan, who was beside him, also agreed that it was Brendons fault. Brendon folded his arms, saying that all he did was say hi.

"Brendon, we all know how you get. How many Monsters did he drink?" Ashley asked Ryan.

Brendon interjected, "Excuse me, I drink Red bull, not that gross Monster piss."

Melanie rolled her eyes. "I honestly would care if you drank duck semen. Something in the drinks are making you fucking loopy."

Tyler nodded. Brendon said,"I had 3 and a half."

Ashley and Melanie groaned, "I swear, if you start bouncing off the trees, I will personally kill you." Ashley said.

Tyler perked up and said, "Anyways, did you bring some snacks?"

"Heck yeah I did. Brought some salt and vinegar chips, and some pretzels." Ashley said, handing Tyler the snacks.

"Well, I-" Brendon paused, for dramatic effect, "Brought myself, 'cuz I am a snack."

Ryan facepalmed, while Ashley and Mel, groaned again. Tyler laughed.

"But seriously, did you bring anything?" Tyler says, putting on a serious face.

"Pffft, uh... yeah I did." Brendon started,"I just... um... left it in the car? Yeah. Let me go look for it."

Brendon jumped down from tbe treehouse and run to tbe car.

"I doubt he actually bought something. I bet he's going to the nearest store to buy some cheese-its or something. " Melanie said, nonchalantly.

Dallon and Hayley came running through the woods. "We just spoke with Brendon and he was acting kind of weird. What happened?"

Tyler sighed, "He scared me, and I jumped a little and hit Josh in his jaw."

Hayley looked confused but didn't say anything about it. Dallon, on the other hand, knew Brendon enough not to be as worried.

"So, Brendon was just being a dumb ass. I kinda get it." Dallon replied.

"Kinda get what?" Frank asked. He and Gerard were walking up the dirt path, hand in hand.

Kik Me When I'm Down (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now