18: Encounter

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After the weekends events you feel a bit exhausted. But, maybe a little lifted... Rau wasn't all that bad, but you still hated his guts. That's for sure.

Saiki rests his chin against his palm. Spying on people was, again, exhausting when a serial killer could be on the loose. The strawberry-boi doesn't want to be part of a problem that's not his, but alas he would be forced to feel bad for letting Rau die.

Saiki decides to treat himself for this weekends work.

Some coffee jelly would suffice.

He glances at his clock.

After school I guess.


You trudge along to school. You had to get the matters sorted with Teruhashi. Hopefully you don't come off as too scary right? You just want her to explain how she lost your book, and then help you find it!
You swing your keys around your fingers. Many trinkets from all-over the world flew around and crashed.

"Hey (f/n)!" Yoriko cries. "How's your weekend? You didn't text me at all!" She pouts.

You slow down so she could catch up. "Mm... you told me your were out with your family..?" You reply.

"Ah... yes but actually no..." She fidgets with her hair, "You could've at least checked in..." Yoriko fake pouts and continues walking with you.

"Wow so needy!" You joke, elbowing her.
You both laugh, relieved to see each other at school.

Waking down the hallways together see Rau. Yoriko immediately waves at him and he blushes, trying to meet your dead eyes. "H-Hey, (l/n)... Yoriko. Wanna walk to class together?" He asks tentatively.

"Oh of course Rau! Sure why not!" Yoriko answers for the both of you.
You sigh.

This is will be one long day...


At your shoe locker you sigh for the up-teenth time today. All that happened was Toritsuka trying to flirt with Yoriko, Yoriko flirting with Rau and Rau flirting with you. He can't just drop it and let you guys be friends.
You look outside the door as you grab your backpack, and see that's it raining.
You see students somehow coming prepare with romantic umbrella walks home, so you dig around in your backpack till you find an old rain-poncho-coat thing.

Better than getting soaked.

You slip the coat on over you and your backpack, and look like a walking black blob with some creepy stare.
Not long after, as you cross an intersection when Rau comes up, with an umbrella.

"H-hey! (L/n)-chan! Would you like me to walk you home?" The blonde asks.
You look at him. "Well..." You search for the right words.

The walk-light turns green.

"I guess that's a yes!" Rau determines. He then takes a double take on your poncho.
"Wow, I must say that poncho is a smart idea." He smiles thoughtfully.
"Do you always need to talk in that posh way?" You remark.

Rau looks taken aback. "I... I do not know what you mean! Ahh... your so funny sometimes (l/n)!" He smiles and laughs.
The kid looks perfectly contente as he walks by you. There's something about you presence he especially adores.
Lovey-dovey stuff is going to literally kill me one day...

"(L/n)! Watch out!" Stumbling, you grab Rau's arm as he pulls you out of the way. A car swerves into the sidewalk, and onlookers stare at you.

"What the fu-"
"(L/n)! Oh, are you okay?!" Rau worries. He tries to dust away some dirt, but you move away.

"The question is, are you?" You reply lowly.

Rau laughs. "Call me Tomi. I'm fed up with this. (L/n) I..."

You raise an eyebrow.

"You know what... never mind. Let's keep walking."


Sorry for the inactivity! I really feel like writing this fanfic is a great push for me.

I am getting to one of the turning points now, I think I dragged out the sorry a little to much.
See you... soon?

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