13: Data

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At home Saiki sighs in relief.

The spilt soda gave him an excuse to go home, and he could analyze what had happened over the last couple of days.
First of all, he had found out why his powers were spotty around you.
A metal ring glinted when you got up form the cafe table, and when you miraculously survived the soda spillage too.
The culprit was your braided metal earring, and Saiki made a mental note to find one like that.

It was alarming at first to not know your complete thoughts, but the fact that there was one less person to worry about was reassuring.
In normal circumstances actually... he would be worried, because like Nendou or Teruhashi... or even any student in particular, they were always bound to be attracted to Saiki somehow in this show.
But somehow... with you... -or any fanfic for that matter- you don't seem to want to interact as much, and that might be a problem because what do we say about tsunderes?
Say it with me;

Emo childs are attractive! :3

Wait... if I wear a ring like that... then the whole world would become seven billion Nendou's?!
Saiki shivers, his daydream falling apart.
But normal people go about their day with that fact. It's a given to them.
So I should be fine too...

The pink-haired sighs and his clothes were instantly clean, he reclined in his bed.
Saiki turns on his tv to catch a new show before people start thinking spoilers.
Yeah, that ring would be a good idea.

Yes I'll add more to this chapter later! Just need to find more time!
Coughs* lies* *end future me edits*

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