6: Capability

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On your way home that day, you prepare for another talk with your beloved father.
It was... on and off...

Briskly you pace back and forth at the front gate of your seemingly ordinary house.
You had a pitiful garden of dying plants, and just the right amount of weeds infested the yard.
A couple of blocks down there was non-other than Teruhashi's house, then a couple more there is that pink-haired kid you saw the other day, and you think Itano might be even further... well you did go over once... it was a long walk.

Finally opening your door, you step in and take off your shoes and put your backpack into your dimly lit room.
"Food..." your stomach growls, probably not liking the noodles you had earlier, and maybe that's why you went to the washroom earlier at lunch.

You open your fridge to find it pitifully empty.
It was stocked yesterday...

"Starting today, we'll cut down your proportions, you need to be faster." Your dad commented, arms crossed and frowning down at you.

You try not to jump five feet, even as skilled as you are, even the fastest have someone faster than them.
He looked very serious... this morning's mood didn't wear off...

"I know you knew about the the dodgeball tournament tomorrow but I didn't know you were this invested..." you joke while your back was still turned to your father.
He doesn't laugh, and takes out a plate of some more pitiful food.

"You know what this is about."

You cringe, as you sit down at the table.
"Besides, I'd win that tournament anyways..."

"You didn't do your job properly."

Sighing, you push the food around your plate.
"I just gave them a warning, no need to rush it you know?"
You dad grunts then says, "Just because you can make decisions on your own doesn't mean you should defy orders. Even I have to-"

"Dad! One of our greatest got away with defying orders because he gave the organization a new start! I'm just doing what's right!" You immediately cover your mouth, surprised at your own outburst.

Oh no...


"(y/n)..." your dad growls. "Go. To your. Room." He huffs again. "Now."

You leave without a word and pray you left your phone on your nightstand and didn't bring it to the kitchen.
"What is he blaming me for? I'm not suppose to be hormonal?! I knew the damn guy and all this..." You bury your face in your hands as you spin around in your swivel chair.
"At least I didn't get grounded or something..."
Bipolar much?

Your phone buzzes, and you freeze. It slides out from under your door, and you stare at it.

"You've got mail (y/n)." Your dad's gruff voice said.

Walking away your dad rubs his stubbled chin.
"They told me she wouldn't be like the others..." He mutters, safe from your incredible ear-range.
"But what can you expect from a teenage girl?!" He mulled over the last few days.

"She can do anything if she puts her mind to it, but distraction makes mistakes."

"And one with my qualities too, a hormonal teenager that acts just like me. Now I know why they asked me twice to make sure I could handle the job."

I had to change things to fit the storyline bettaaaar....

It's nothing major, you're going to remain an impassive loli tsundere whatever you call them weebs nowadays


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