4: Dearly Beloved

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Groggily opening your eyes, you lay in bed for a few minutes waiting for your alarm to go off. The sun filters its soft light through your window, illuminating the little trinkets on your dresser.

Man, I really need to clean that...
You think, rubbing your eyes.

Finally, the alarm goes off and you shut it off dreading getting up for breakfast. You quickly check your phone, having only a couple of spam emails and you finally decide to get this over with.

Following through your normal morning routine you hurriedly get dressed and prepare your lunch, then finally sit at your dinner table.

Your dad, a carefully toned man, sits across from you drinking his morning coffee, coat hung on his chair, and ready to leave at a moments notice.
His chin is set and sturdy, must like your own, and he wore the trademark braided ring of metal on his earlobe, whereas yours was higher up and pierced through the harder cartilage on your left ear.

Setting the newspaper down on the grainy wood, he crosses his arms and looked at you for a few seconds.

"Here's an interesting report." He comments, pushing the newspaper towards you, a red mark circling a major headline.

'Tomi Rau, son of major politician Daisuke Rau narrowly escaped fatal stab wounds. Doctors say that son Rau had been lucky, a pedestrian called the police after hearing his cries for help."

"What if..." your dad begins, taking a sip from his mug of coffee. "The pedestrian had been killed, along with Rau?"

You don't meet his eyes and tap the paper softly. You hated this game.
"What if the killer didn't have enough time to kill the target?" You counter.

A beat.

"What if the perpetrator had been more skilled?" The dark-haired replied.
You, being as skilled as you are, you're able to hide your frustrations well. It's good people skills... but you know that there are an infinite amount of possibilities and you won't be able to leave until you give a satisfactory answer.
At least.

"What if the killer knew the target, making it harder for them to eliminate them?"

Raising his eyebrow, your dad smirks.
"What if getting to know the target was needed, and personal feelings should've been dealt with?"

Puffing your cheeks out, you wish you had remembered to turn on the radio because the silence irritated you even more.

"What if the target was a mistake, the killer pulling out at the last mom-" Your dads cell abruptly disrupted your conversation, and he had to answer it, leaving you free to go.

Saved by the bell...

You finally start to walk to school, hoping to be alone for at least a few more minutes.
You look down at your keys. Rubbing a pressed penny of the Niagara Falls, you smile humourlessly,
"Pourquoi es-tu comme ça?"

"Hey!" Someone shouted.
You don't look up, thinking it was meant for someone else on this deserted walkway.
"Hey you with the (h/c) hair!"
This time you look up, and your eyes widen.
The man was tall and had a scary double chin!

"Hey that's rude to call out people like that Nendou!" An icy-blue top scolds, and Nendou apologizes.
"Haha! Sorry. Wait... you're in our school right?" The blue haired asks. Then Nendou gave a hearty laugh.
"And you said 'not to be rude' haha!"

You shake your head, and start to walk faster.
"W-wait! I'm Kaido!" The kid introduces, and you see a red bandage covering his arm, and it felt familiar, though you couldn't place your finger on it.

Kaido's hand was still out to shake, and when you didn't take it, Kaido nervously pulled it back.
"(l/n)." You reply in a monotone.

It's too early for this

"Oh, your in Toritsuka's class right?" Nendou comments.
"Yes..." You reply, tucking some loose strands of hair behind your ear.

"Oh... ok then...we'll I'm Nendou, and this here is Kaido. Also, don't forget about Saiki here of course!" Nendou points to another guy with pink hair, who looks extremely annoyed.
You fix your backpack strap and start walking with them, -you not saying anything- and Nendou chatting away with Kaido.

You keep a serious face as you spin your house keys around your finger, decorated with many more little charms from all over world.

Saiki glances at you, but you keep looking forward.

He probably is shy, though judging how annoyed he looks whith Kaido and Nendou, I think he doesn't like them very much...

You let out a sigh of relief when you see Itano, who was talking to the a teacher with a worried expression.
"(L/n)!" Itano calls you over, the she smils a bit, but it falters. "I... I mean (f/n)! Did you hear...?"

I wonder what happened...

"It's about Rau!"

Oh right...


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