5: Squirrel

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You run up to Itano.

"Yes! He got... well..." Itano stuttered a bit and you guys rushed to class and talk.
You know what this is about, but waited for your friends to clue you in.

As you settle into your seats Itano starts taking 20 miles per hour.
"Yesterday they say someone attacked him! It might of been for his riches or something but they said that the figure was hooded in black and had some sort of dagger but they couldn't find the dagger something like that and poor Rau can't come to school for a week! Do you think the teacher will let me take his homework to him?! Oh just imagine just me and him working and he would slowly fall in love with me because I would be there everyday for him and maybe he'll propo-"

You held up your hand to her mouth, and your face was quite serious.
"Focus squirrel, Rau was stabbed."

"Y-yes..." She squeaks, then her eyes glazed up.
"Why... why would someone go after Rau like that?! He's so kind and-and-"
She half chokes and you feel a little embarrassed in her company. You just shush her awkwardly and put your arm around her.
Waiting for Itano to calm down, you listened to the whispers in class, and no doubt they were about Rau.

"I hear his dad went through some shady biz..."
"What if he upset the big boss?"
"Didn't keep his end of the bargain?"
"Did he... plan it?"

You cringe away, not wanting to hear more.

Sighing, your teacher comes into class and quiets everyone.

"Pop quiz!"


Scribbling some nonsense onto your page, you glance at your good friend, who doesn't seem to be focusing enough.
Looking back around, you feel someone's eyes boring into your back.

Nani?! Cheaters?

Slowly turning, some guy quickly glances back down at his paper and you notice a blush forming on his face.

Huffing, you swish your (h/c) hair back and put your focus back onto the paper.

Stupid weirdos, if I want someone to have a crush on me it might as well be some J-Pop star...


Walking into the cafeteria Itano discusses the test with you, clearly avoiding the topic of Rau.
"And I believe question five was a trick was it not?"

Snorting, you take out your very own paper box with your noodle and rice lunch, -that you bought- and say,
"What's with the formality? You shouldn't be stressed about someone who hasn't shown an interest in you unless it's to show off you know?"

Itano looks shocked. "(y/n)?! How can you say that?! Rau has been nothing but nice to everyone! He doesn't deserve this!!"

Giving a half smile, your hair falls to the front and shadows your eyes.
"Who said anything about Rau?"

Silence covers the cafeteria, your sudden aura chilling the big room.

"EH? Nani (f/n)! Stop toying with my heart!"
Itano screeched, she nearly drops her lunch in the process, voice rising in octaves.

"By the way," You continue. "We have a dodge-ball match against class 3 tomorrow. Be prepared."

Itano still looked stunned. "(f/n)..."

"We still have 3 more periods left. Why are you leaving?"

Your face heats up, though it wasn't because of embarrassment.


Ok, so there isn't much Saiki action.
You shall wait


Coin (Female-Reader-Insert Saiki K)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя