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I have been a Korean citizen since 2003. Being a volunteer is my way of giving back to South Korea. I am very grateful as a naturalized Korean and volunteering is my way of repaying the goodness of all the benefits of being a Korean citizen. As a Filipino, it is very hard to get visas to travel but when I received my Korean passport, I enjoyed the privilege of traveling without visas or being automatically approved to travel. My husband and I moved to Incheon City in June 2018. I have been exploring Incheon ever since. Please check out my Instagram photos using the #terincheon. I want to join the Incheon Cruise Buddy program to contribute to elevating the global status of Incheon City. I have been promoting tourist sites of Incheon to my friends since we moved here. The most famous spots are The Goblin drama locations.

I am a Tourism Major and it will be so exciting to use my skills in the tourism and hospitality industry once again. I want to be an active participant of the Incheon Tourism Organization's efforts to further boost Incheon's local economy and making Incheon a major international destination.

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