English Names

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Korean kids who go to HAGWONS (private English schools) have English names mostly because foreign teachers have difficulties pronouncing their names properly. That is my opinion because I myself find it really hard to pronounce and memorize Korean names.

The most difficult names to pronounce are Hyeon-jin, Hyeon-hryong, Sung-hyeon, Kyeong-jin, and Sang-hyeon. Any name with the syllable HYEON is super difficult to pronounce for me.

Hagwon owners usually christen new students with English names. Many kids change their English names when classmates start to tease them. Many kids change their names to famous movie characters. I got students who are named Harry Potter, Dumbledore, Voldemort, Tony Stark, Optimus Prime, Wolverine, Thor, Batman, Spiderman, Gollum and Thanos.

Some kids don't mind being teased because of their English names but I cannot tolerate bullying in the classroom. These are the names that should be banned in hagwons.

ROBERT - because Korean kids pronounce it ROBOT
ARTHUR - the worst name ever because kids pronounce it ASSO which sounds like asshole
JESSICA - it sounds like JASHIKKA which means BASTARD
MELANIE - it sounds like MELAMINE
MARIA - kids tease students with this
name because KARA MARYA means go away or get lost
DOROTHY - it sounds like DIRTY

Surnames come before given names in Korea. My husband's name is LEE, HO-JIN. Lee is his surname. I had students named PARK, YU-JIN and PARK, YOO-NA. Kids tease them FUCK-YOU JIN and FUCK-YOU-NA.

 Kids tease them FUCK-YOU JIN and FUCK-YOU-NA

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