Dog Left Inside a Bike Basket

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I was taking pictures at Sonjeong Beach when a man came riding a bike. I saw a dog inside the basket in front of his bike and I thought the man was taking her out for a walk. The man tied the dog's leash on the metal fence and left her there as he carried his fishing hook. I watched the man hop on the rocks across the wharf and started putting bait. I wanted to unleash the dog and put her down on the ground but then the man might get mad at me or worse the dog might bite me.

The dog cried wanting to get off the basket. The man could see her across the wharf but didn't hear her crying. I stayed with this dog for 30 minutes and the man still hasn't finished fishing. I wonder how many hours did this dog stand on her hind legs waiting.

I want to believe that this man loves his dog. He might have a valid reason to keep her in the basket. I pray that this dog was not in too much pain standing on her hind legs for a long time. Was it inhumane for that man to leave his dog there or not?

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